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Directed Subwoofer

06-16-2008, 02:02 PM
Does anyone know anything about Directed brand subwoofers? Are they any good?

06-16-2008, 04:03 PM
nope, never heard of that brand, but depending on your budget and set up you wanna go with, I'd say just get 2 alpine type E or S 10" i think they are like 60-70 dollars now and hit really good. i have 2 10"s on my car 1100W each sub and a mono amp pushing 700W.

06-16-2008, 05:04 PM
(looking on craigslist) JL audio 10' subwoofer in good condition in box for $25. Is that any good?

06-16-2008, 05:13 PM
OK heres another one. rockford fosgate 10" series 1 in box $25.00... and jensen pro amp $20.00 or road gear 250w amp $15.00? .... how do those sound?

vanilla gorilla
06-16-2008, 05:47 PM
Why are you looking at raggedy cheap crap? Go ahead and spend some decent money and buy a setup worth while.

BTW: Directed is a good brand. I would reccomend it

06-16-2008, 06:20 PM
Why are you looking at raggedy cheap crap? Go ahead and spend some decent money and buy a setup worth while.

BTW: Directed is a good brand. I would reccomend it


I used to buy the cheapest of cheap too, and it never lasted long at all and never gave me the bass I wanted.

JL is a good brand (I swear by it), what kinda of JL sub is it W0, W3, I doubt its a W6 or W7 giving the price, but still that seems pretty cheap for a JL sub.

IMO 10' subs don't add very much and should be avoided at all costs unless thats all you can fit, other then that make sure you have a good amp to push them. That makes a huge difference too

vanilla gorilla
06-18-2008, 01:32 AM
JL is pretty decent. But its way too expensive. The only thing they make that I really care about is the W7.

As far as the size of subs go, you cant really base anything off of that. You can make 10s sound just as good as anything else. I had 1 12 in my car that would dog walk the doo dee out of just about anything on the street. And my home boy had 1 8 in his accord that was loud as crap. You just have to have the right setup. The most important thing is having a good amp, not having one that says "1200 max" or w/e and really does like 120 rms, lol.

06-18-2008, 01:35 AM
You said that directed was good. What about a 10' with a 300W pioneer amp for $100

06-18-2008, 07:40 AM
You said that directed was good. What about a 10' with a 300W pioneer amp for $100

Like vanilla gorilla said, keep an eye on the RMS watts and not PEAK. I always try to subs about %75 of what they can handle, feed them to little and you wont get good bass, too much and you will blow them, Also is this a speaker you are looking at DVC?

06-18-2008, 01:30 PM
JL is pretty decent. But its way too expensive. The only thing they make that I really care about is the W7.

As far as the size of subs go, you cant really base anything off of that. You can make 10s sound just as good as anything else. I had 1 12 in my car that would dog walk the doo dee out of just about anything on the street. And my home boy had 1 8 in his accord that was loud as crap. You just have to have the right setup. The most important thing is having a good amp, not having one that says "1200 max" or w/e and really does like 120 rms, lol.

let me rephrase, its not that 10's sound like crap to me, its just I prefer a deeper bass of a 12, and its really hard to impossible to get that deep bass with a 10' woofer

06-20-2008, 04:48 PM
Like vanilla gorilla said, keep an eye on the RMS watts and not PEAK. I always try to subs about %75 of what they can handle, feed them to little and you wont get good bass, too much and you will blow them, Also is this a speaker you are looking at DVC?

I am trying to get the specs on it. He did not have it listed and he does not seem very responsive to emails. He also said that it is wired in a felt box. I am not sure what a "felt" box is. How is that different if it is?

08-29-2012, 12:19 AM
ummm, hell yeah directed compx subs are freaking awesome! my friend had 2 12's in an impala and they made the windshield flex about 2"! they are very good speakers with the right box and power!

08-29-2012, 09:11 AM
ummm, hell yeah directed compx subs are freaking awesome! my friend had 2 12's in an impala and they made the windshield flex about 2"! they are very good speakers with the right box and power!

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