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Dash Illumination Problem

Unhappy A8 Owner
02-25-2008, 06:07 PM
Have any of you Audi fans had a problem with your dash illumination?

When I have the light switch set to the "Auto" position, and it is twilight, the dials will sometimes go blank. The red pointer indicator is visable; but, all the digits are black -- which makes it very difficult to read the speedometer. This display problem affects the speedo, tach, fuel and temp gauge.

Audi first replaced the dash control unit, then told me that the car was operating "normally", and that when the dash goes blank I should switch my headlights from "Auto" to "On". I guess that's an option but it makes me wonder why I have an "Auto" switch on the lights.

I've had the dash illumination go completely blank for as long as eight minutes at time. Other times, the dash will go blank for a minute, or two, and then flicker back.

It doesn't look like Audi's going to do anything about it. Have any of you run into the same problem? Have you found a solution that I can tell Audi about?

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