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Dud 2006 Sonata

02-06-2008, 06:59 PM
If you're here researching Sonatas, listen to my story and decide for yourself. I'm sure there have been a lot of good experiences with the car for other folks, but I seem to have gotten a dud 2006.

My entire engine was replaced at 34,000 miles after a valve guide fell into the cylinder at highway speed. At the time I expressed to Hyundai that I was distrustful of the car after such a bad failure so early. I was told that I would come to trust the car in time.

Around 50,000 miles I got an engine light. I was told it was a minor transmission code and they replaced the fluid and sent me on my way. A week later the light came back, this time for transmission failure. The entire transmission was replaced with a rebuilt transmission.

I expressed my concerns to Hyundai again, got a call back from the exact same person that called me back last year telling me that I would come to trust the car in time. Everything he said was, to the word, exactly what he said after the engine was replaced, obviously crafted by their legal department.

Their line is that they did what they were obligated to do under the warranty and they're right. But it's no fun to drive a car when you're waiting for the other (third?) shoe to drop and they are steadfast that they are not interested in cutting me a deal on trading in my car. I'm not asking for anything free, just to work out something where I can trade in mine without my payments going up or getting extended too far into the future. I'm not trying to screw over Hyundai, I just want something trustworthy. Or some kind of small gesture that shows they value me as a repeat customer.

I mentioned that I'm surprised they weren't going to offer me so much as an oil change and the rep's reply was: "Now you've gone from wanting another car to wanting an oil change?!" Funny, he said that exact same thing last year, too.

Interestingly, when I called to mention my transmission was bad and that the engine had already been replaced, the rep who took the call told me she's seen them replace entire cars for less. When I mentioned this to their regional rep who called me back he told me the first rep wasn't an employee of Hyundai, just someone in Utah who answers the phone.

So there you go. I'm going to dump this car (the fourth Hyundai in my household) and get something else and Hyundai will never see one penny from me again. Yes, they stand by their warranty, but don't expect them to do anything to value you as a customer. They don't care. They'll do the minimum and that's it.

Decide for yourself. You'll probably have no problems. Or maybe you will.

Feeling lucky?

05-20-2008, 05:35 PM
If you're here researching Sonatas, listen to my story and decide for yourself. I'm sure there have been a lot of good experiences with the car for other folks, but I seem to have gotten a dud 2006.

My entire engine was replaced at 34,000 miles after a valve guide fell into the cylinder at highway speed. At the time I expressed to Hyundai that I was distrustful of the car after such a bad failure so early. I was told that I would come to trust the car in time.

Around 50,000 miles I got an engine light. I was told it was a minor transmission code and they replaced the fluid and sent me on my way. A week later the light came back, this time for transmission failure. The entire transmission was replaced with a rebuilt transmission.

I expressed my concerns to Hyundai again, got a call back from the exact same person that called me back last year telling me that I would come to trust the car in time. Everything he said was, to the word, exactly what he said after the engine was replaced, obviously crafted by their legal department.

Their line is that they did what they were obligated to do under the warranty and they're right. But it's no fun to drive a car when you're waiting for the other (third?) shoe to drop and they are steadfast that they are not interested in cutting me a deal on trading in my car. I'm not asking for anything free, just to work out something where I can trade in mine without my payments going up or getting extended too far into the future. I'm not trying to screw over Hyundai, I just want something trustworthy. Or some kind of small gesture that shows they value me as a repeat customer.

I mentioned that I'm surprised they weren't going to offer me so much as an oil change and the rep's reply was: "Now you've gone from wanting another car to wanting an oil change?!" Funny, he said that exact same thing last year, too.

Interestingly, when I called to mention my transmission was bad and that the engine had already been replaced, the rep who took the call told me she's seen them replace entire cars for less. When I mentioned this to their regional rep who called me back he told me the first rep wasn't an employee of Hyundai, just someone in Utah who answers the phone.

So there you go. I'm going to dump this car (the fourth Hyundai in my household) and get something else and Hyundai will never see one penny from me again. Yes, they stand by their warranty, but don't expect them to do anything to value you as a customer. They don't care. They'll do the minimum and that's it.

Decide for yourself. You'll probably have no problems. Or maybe you will.

Feeling lucky?

Sounds pretty good considering i just got rid of my ALERO. Never made it over 3k miles without something breaking.
A 2006 with over 50k miles, Sounds like it sees a good bit of driving. If they have replaced everything under warranty adn the same issue never came back then i dont see where you have a leg to stand on, THey did exactly what they were supposed to.

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