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Resin Casting Kit

02-06-2008, 02:01 PM
Hi, Im looking at trying to cast some bits and pieces for a project i want to start.
Got loads of useful info from this site, but can anyone recomend a good starter kit that contains everything i need to get started, that i can get in the UK.


02-06-2008, 03:08 PM
smooth-on.com makes a great starter kit as does alumilite.

02-06-2008, 05:33 PM
You wont find a decent starter kit in the UK for a reasonable price. They often do not contain sufficient quantities either. If you're starting up and trying out things then you are sure to create alot of waste in the process.

Check out www.tiranti.co.k

Try the SE-2005 Silicone rubber or the T28

For resin then the G26 urethane is what you want.

In all it will cost you around £50 so its not cheap but it is the best value. The typical kits you'll find in the likes of Hobbycraft are half the price but contain less than a quarter of the amount.

Adam Baker
02-06-2008, 06:00 PM
I purchased a starter kit from Alumilite, to get an idea of how to do it.

Eventually I plan on casting resin Nascar bodies, so that I dont have to pay others for bodies to do cars I want that arent available in kit form.

At the moment Im still researching what exactly I will need for both RTV & resin to do what Im wanting.

Im finding that I can get roughly 10 lbs (~4.5 kilo's) of RTV for about $100.00 US, depending on where I look, which should hopefully be enough to make 2 body sized molds. Only problem is Im not sure if what Im finding is the right type of RTV to do the mold I want/need.

02-09-2008, 06:51 AM

02-09-2008, 10:24 AM
You wont find a decent starter kit in the UK for a reasonable price. They often do not contain sufficient quantities either. If you're starting up and trying out things then you are sure to create alot of waste in the process.

Check out www.tiranti.co.k (http://www.tiranti.co.k)

Try the SE-2005 Silicone rubber or the T28

For resin then the G26 urethane is what you want.

In all it will cost you around £50 so its not cheap but it is the best value. The typical kits you'll find in the likes of Hobbycraft are half the price but contain less than a quarter of the amount.
Thanks for this info.

What is best used to make tire copies? Something that gives a rubber like result.

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