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EAS error - 98 rover 4.0SE

01-23-2008, 07:44 PM
Folks, got this dreaded error last weekend while doing 70m/hr. somehow managed to reach home. called the dealer, quote on EAS repair is $3800. Dealer says something got sucked into the compressor, its all messed up. Dealer suggested coil conversion option at $3000. seems to be a wise option. Its a 98 Rover 40.SE. Bought used. This vehicle has a past history of EAS errors. I called a local mechanic, Motors cars ltd Austin, TX (also known as British parts international) quote is $1600(after market Blackdog Range Rover Spring Conversion Kit). now the questions is : spend $3000 at the dealer and get original range rover coil springs installed? OR go with after market deal and save almost $1400?? please advise. anyone got this conversion done at an independent repair place?? appreciate it. -pourait.:frown:

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