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God Help him !!!!!

michael lambert
01-07-2008, 07:44 PM

Tonight I my family came over for dinner which was nice to have. Well my brother was in my office and he was checking out my models. He asked why i had two models sitting in a solution like i did ( two bodies sitting in 99% Isboyl cleaning off the screwed up finish) so i explained to him that i messed them up and i had to wait a week in this soultion to clean them off and start again.

Well i decided to run to the hobby store with my father to get some more paint as i was starting my new kit ( Revell '69 z/28 Cararo RS ) one of the bodies soaking.. lol, screwed this one up a couple of days ago..

So i get home and my mother and wife are in the basement and my wife ran over right away and said she had to talk to me. I said sure give me a sec to take my goodies upstairs first ( Gotta hide the evidence :D) She was like no before you go up.

So fine i sit with her and she says " Your brother was just trying to help, he really was" i was like what are you talking about! she was like "David thought he knew a better and faster way to clean your model and gave it a try hoping to surprise you" well i went upstairs to find my brother ( 24 yrs) crying in my office cause he " I Totally F'd up your model, i am soo sorry mike" i look to find my body looking like the images below.

Turns out he once had an issue with over spray on his car and his buddy told him to use "Throtle body cleaner" so he went down into my garage and used it on my model. Yes sir.. my model body is totally messed up with the paint and had some deformities.. i was able to bed most of it back into shape mostly just the apilars.

I guess there is not much i can do with this? Maybe try and wet sand as much as i can but most of the detail is pretty much gone.




01-07-2008, 07:51 PM
keep it it looks perfect for a fire damage car

michael lambert
01-07-2008, 07:51 PM
Well i have washed it with soap and water, and ran it under cold water. However the body is still Gummy. I assume the chemical is still going to kind of eat away at the body alittle longer :(

michael lambert
01-07-2008, 07:52 PM
Well, i was kind of hoping to be able to finish the model :(

01-07-2008, 07:54 PM
first relax, and tell him to relax, it's only a model car. i would scrap the body, or use it as a "practice body" for techniques or create a diorama, etc. you'll need another body to complete your camaro, so budget in another $12.00 or possibly trade someone for a spare body shell.

michael lambert
01-07-2008, 08:00 PM
Where would one buy a body for this kit?

I am really not that pissed at him, not because its a model. Just you would have to know him, he does this all the time allways has to put his fingers into everything when ever he feels like it. I have no issues Scrapping this model ( putting the rest away incase i ever need anything out of it ) and buying a new one or buying this model all over again and having the two kind of do a before and after, a run down beat up model and then one done perfect kind of like a " Overhauling " edition :D

Joe Blyth
01-07-2008, 09:12 PM
Michael, is that the Revell Camaro? If it is, you may be able to order a new body from them for a minimal fee from their website.

01-07-2008, 09:20 PM
Revell actually has a very good parts replacement service (http://www.revell.com/Need-Parts.parts.0.html).

But I wouldn't let your brother anywhere near that Enzo! :grinno:

michael lambert
01-07-2008, 09:24 PM
No the Enzo is still sealed!

As for the online parts, there link is not working so i will have to wait and see what i can find later.

01-07-2008, 09:31 PM
Give them a try when their site works- I've had great experiences with them.

It shouldn't take a week to soften the paint in isopropyl- a couple of hours and you should be able to at least start scrubbing it off.

It's kinda funny- obviously there are many things that will eat/destroy a painted finish (throttle body cleaner, brake system cleaner, brake fluid, laquer thinner, gasoline, fire...)- but that doesn't mean that they will be good or safe paint strippers- especially on plastic parts. :grinno: Amazing how many people fail to grasp that. :dunno:

01-07-2008, 10:33 PM
Look at the bright side.

A. Your brother learned a good lesson, and one that he can't slough off. He was dead wrong to fuoolck with your model and he knows it. Sounds like that little taste of humility will do him good. Not only that; he owes you one! You could fairly ask him to pay for a replacement.

B. If you buy another model, with your money or his, you'll have a whole set of spare parts. Be a good opportunity to experiment with some new methods you've wanted to try.

C. You've learned that Revell has a parts department. That could come in real handy if you want to do some customizing in the future.


michael lambert
01-08-2008, 07:31 PM

With some determination and spare time today i worked on the body, just looking to see if it could be salvaged.

I put a coat of primer on and then this morning i sanded it down really good and applied another coat primer and just finished another good sanding. I plan now to apply yet another coat of primer and then a finished coat i think i have it cleaned up as much as i possibly can get with my limted experience and tools.



01-08-2008, 09:21 PM
Can't hurt to try, I suppose, but I wouldn't invest too much time in heroic efforts to rescue it. Kits are cheap, time is precious.


michael lambert
01-08-2008, 09:28 PM
Can't hurt to try, I suppose, but I wouldn't invest too much time in heroic efforts to rescue it. Kits are cheap, time is precious.


Yea i agree, However i am doing this to kill time. To keep my mind off other things :D So i dont mind spending the time to resurect a dead kit in order ot gain the experience from killing another one :D

01-08-2008, 10:56 PM
Erm,you know what I would do?!
Since some panel lines are lost-clogged,or something,I would,you know...Do a custom camaro?

Really,with all those lost details and things,I think it really looks custom. And cool! :D

{And no,this is not a bad joke!}

01-09-2008, 02:38 AM
Experience shows ruined surface become hard like a rock when they are primed. For some reason the primer adheres stronger to etched plastic than the smooth one. Perhaps roughness created by etching increases the surface area for the primer to fill. Try to use a primer or a filler primer and wet sand. Alternatively you can keep this body for a junk yard diorama. It looks incredibly realistic for fire damage as mentioned earlier. You may find here or there a resin conversion kit designed for your Camaro to have a variant not available in the market.

01-09-2008, 08:18 AM
Erm,you know what I would do?!
Since some panel lines are lost-clogged,or something,I would,you know...Do a custom camaro?

Really,with all those lost details and things,I think it really looks custom. And cool! :D

{And no,this is not a bad joke!}

This is the first thing I thought too, you can make a really cool smooth looking street machine, with super gloss paint it will look great!

michael lambert
01-09-2008, 08:22 AM
Yea just the body is really really in rough shape. I put a coat of paint on it now and will check it tonight and see what it looks like. i might have to put a coat of body filler over some of it anways.

01-09-2008, 08:13 PM
If the body has a rough texture, you'll be hard pressed to fix that with just paint. Paint hides nothing. If you really want to try to salvage it, go for it but if you get frustrated, stop. This is a pretty readily available kit, and I know I certainly wouldn't be bothered to get a new one just for the body. Hell, good excuse to make a nice detailed engine to put next to it or... there's a million uses for a Chevy 350.

I'd reckon this body a good start for a nice phantom custom - ie, what if Salvador Dali was into American muscle instead of paint? Drop it back into that cleaner and see what happens!

01-09-2008, 09:05 PM
I think that kit must be jinxed because I f'ed up that body at least 3 times before I got it right. I shaved off the door handles and most of the other trim work because all the detail was gone. If I had to do it again, I'd fill in those side gils as well. If the body isn't too mushy from the thinner experiment with it! What have you got to lose; it's already messed up, right?

Here's how mine ended up:


michael lambert
01-09-2008, 09:28 PM
Well here is attempt two, i must say it aint looking all that great. However its a great pass time while i wait for paint to dry on other projects :D

I am thinking one more sanding some putty alittle more primer i might be off to the races :D


01-10-2008, 01:31 PM
Let it go, man, let it go.

Or put it back in your dip and get it back to how your brother left it! It would be great in a rusto diorama!

michael lambert
01-10-2008, 08:03 PM
Yee haww.. we are getting someplace.. lol

Alright so sanded it down beat on it alittle bit through the sanding process i managed to break a couple of peices that went down the drain :(

So i picked up some Styrene strips so i am going to attempt to do some more putty work and glue it up. Due to the loss of details and such i filled in the side vents as well as filled in the wiperblades and that area.

I know most are saying just toss it and move on, however i am having fun with this one and getting to do alot with it and learn alot.




michael lambert
01-10-2008, 09:32 PM
Okay take it easy, This is my first model in like 5 years and first time i have taken time to try and fix something :D

I took the styrene and rebuilt the apilers, i removed the other one too as it was really weak and warped. I also cut out the rest of the rear and put in a new peice all the way across.

I have now puttied it and waiting for it to dry and i will sand it down and prime it one last time.



01-11-2008, 08:32 AM
WOW man you are really getting into this but it never really hurts to practice things on a junk body that way you cant screw it up real bad with out consequence keep it up

01-11-2008, 06:21 PM
Honestly, turn a negative into a positive. I would build this car as a body shop diorama, or as as work-in-progress, or as a beater racecar. There's plenty to do if you don't think you can fix the body.

01-12-2008, 06:42 PM
I would really check out Revells site and order another body. I recently used their part replacement feature on their site. It went perfect. I got about 4 parts and all the cost was just over 4$ US. For shipping.

I would try it out.

michael lambert
01-21-2008, 08:24 PM

I have not given up yet :D Its a great beater project while i am waiting on paints and glues to dry.

I have just about lost all detail of the model however i have almost gotten the body back to looking somewhat smooth :D




michael lambert
01-21-2008, 09:20 PM
Question for everyone,

Due to the cleaning/glueing/ fillers and such... the plastic has become some what soft.. What can i do to harden up the plastic anything at all?

01-22-2008, 04:49 AM
Ermmm...I'm afraid you can't do anything at all...

01-22-2008, 06:18 AM
I would give my brother a piece of 1 square inch of sand paper and make him fix what he has done...hahaha...just kidding (or not)

sorry man i don't see much future in this model...go for the next one on your list...o try to find a new camaro body...

good luck

see ya

01-22-2008, 06:29 AM
Wee, if things went that far start thinking about a junkyard or repair shop diorama.

michael lambert
01-23-2008, 09:10 AM
I hardly have the skills required to build a freaking model, let alone build a diorama :D

michael lambert
01-27-2008, 09:06 PM

I gave up on trying to make my messed up Camaro body perfect due to all the crap that has happened to it as many i am sure have seen through my threads.

So today i decided to give my new Airbrush a shot and decided to try my luck at a little custom mixing.

This is what i ended up with,

Did a white primer coat on the body, then aplied a single coat of Testor #1208 ( light Blue) i then mixed a 3 to one of Tamiya Metallic Blue X-13 (3 parts) to Tamiya Chrome Silver X-11 ( 1 part ) and then mixed it 50/50 with Tamiya Thinner X-20A

And i got this which i was pretty happy with :D




01-28-2008, 01:32 AM
looking good man

good save man

01-28-2008, 08:49 AM
Crazy. :grinno: But it looks good! It's come out alot better than I expected.

And of course you're learning, which is the best part.

Now, try clearcoating it with some Tamiya acrylic clear.

michael lambert
02-10-2008, 04:23 PM
Well MPWR, Hopfully i can do alittle more impressing.

While i did take the advice of many here and stopped putting soo much time into this body, i did clean it up alittle rebilt the Apilars and tried to clean up the ass end of it.

Please check out the updated body HERE. (http://www.michaellambertphotography.com/scalemodels/69camero/Site/1969%20Camero.html)

02-11-2008, 06:35 AM
It actually looks good! o_O


It looks great! ;)

03-10-2008, 02:53 AM
It's funny how tiny the car looks the way you took pics :P

03-10-2008, 04:50 PM
Just one more thing to think about. The carb cleaner that was used is still in the plastic and has the potential to bleed into the paint, just like in 1:1 models (real cars). But then again, it makes a great practice kit and if you can salvage it enough to get something decent out of it, then I am sure the person who was just trying to help won't feel so bad after all is said and done. And before I get trouble for being soft on the guy, I am sure all of us have been on both ends of this story. Just recently, my son took apart three different partially assembled kits to "Fix" them. Been there, done that.

03-11-2008, 04:29 AM
Just one more thing to think about. The carb cleaner that was used is still in the plastic and has the potential to bleed into the paint, just like in 1:1 models (real cars). But then again, it makes a great practice kit and if you can salvage it enough to get something decent out of it, then I am sure the person who was just trying to help won't feel so bad after all is said and done. And before I get trouble for being soft on the guy, I am sure all of us have been on both ends of this story. Just recently, my son took apart three different partially assembled kits to "Fix" them. Been there, done that.

Even I didn't know it :P
Thnx for the tip mate! ;)

03-19-2008, 10:16 AM
Nice save. I had a similar thing happen on my Camaro build.. I used that House of Color Custom Colors paint it applyed too hot and seemed to etch the plastic... ended up buying a new kit for the body.

But i think yours would have been great for a pro street drag build or a road race car build. I ended up sanding mine down and totally shaving everything off and probably turn it into a road racer of sorts.

But it turned out fine! Nice!

03-22-2008, 03:06 AM
You did your best to save it, and as long as You feel good about your outcome then all is well........The other thing is i hope your brother learned his leason now. ...You are a better person than me cause when my brother did almost the samething to me i ended up breaking his finger. it was an acceident at least thats what i told my mom.......Mind u he's the oldest

12-11-2008, 09:12 PM
After reading everything that has been posted this far..I to can feel your pain..I recently had to trash a body do to my adventures with oven cleaner.. I have recently used a product to safely remove old paint from a 4 year old body in 45 minutes..It has NO affect on your plastic at all, It will look as it did before your mess up..It is called STRIP-A-KIT made just for this purpose..Works GREAT no more trashing bodies it will remove everything I put it on except ALCLAD products...Give it a try you will like it's many uses..Good Luck!!!

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