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z32 help!

01-06-2008, 01:36 AM
Hi this is my first post, I have a problem and have no where else to turn so hear gos. My 300zx twin turbo was running fine the other day, but as of yesterday not so well. I succesfuly tryed to override the safty-boost by sticking a paper clip in a connector as adviesed on the internet, and it worked. Till i pulled it out, then it started down hill, the boost gauge reads -14 psi all the time no matter what RPMs. and to make matters worse if the car gos over 4k RPMs it bogs down real bad It just wont go. Witch is strange because the car revs up real nice when in nutral. what should i do?

01-06-2008, 04:32 AM
Hi this is my first post, I have a problem and have no where else to turn so hear gos. My 300zx twin turbo was running fine the other day, but as of yesterday not so well. I succesfuly tryed to override the safty-boost by sticking a paper clip in a connector as adviesed on the internet, and it worked. Till i pulled it out, then it started down hill, the boost gauge reads -14 psi all the time no matter what RPMs. and to make matters worse if the car gos over 4k RPMs it bogs down real bad It just wont go. Witch is strange because the car revs up real nice when in nutral. what should i do?

If you by passed the detonation sensor (which what I would imagine that internet advice referred to, otherwise figure out which sensor it was) then you'll likely find the ECU putting out a code 34 in the self diagnostic mode. For instructions on check codes:


The factory vacuum gauge reading -14 all the time is likely a broken hose going to the sensor. It looks like this:


and is located inside the engine bay against the drivers side fender back by the firewall.

Is there any other symptoms?

01-09-2008, 02:57 AM
And broke is smack dead on.

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