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Lancia Thema 8.32

02-02-2003, 12:27 PM
wow i didnt realise no posts had been made in here, so lets dig into the Thema!

OK, for those who dont know, the Thema (Kappa's predecessor) is a sedan Lancia introduced in the mid 80's. It was developed alongside FIAT and Saab's 9000 and intended to push Lancia upmarket, with its sleek, smart looks and luxurious interior. Engines ranged from 2L to a 2.8 V6 but the real firecracker in the range was the "8.32", which borrowed a 3L V8 engine from Ferrari, much to the latter's discontent. The engine developed a healthy 215bhp, and with uprated aerodynamics, brakes and suspension, the Thema 8.32 was a good performer, with 0-60 taking a smidge over 7 seconds and the engine finally running out of puff at around 145mph.

Here are the pics. remember, it was designed in the early 80's; i think it's stood the test of time very well. did i mention it was designed by Giugiaro?:D


Ferrari V8:

04-01-2003, 03:28 PM
Fabulous car with its V8 Ferrari ! I wish they do the same thing with the Thésis !!!

04-02-2003, 05:32 AM
Now that would really be something :D

04-03-2003, 02:36 AM
Yeah I too love Thema's :D reminds me of Lancias "Glory days" if you will :D It's be an interesting experiment to put one in a Thesis :D

04-03-2003, 02:38 AM
i am so glad we have people like you guys to bring up old cars and cars i would have never known about being american and give me info on them. and i am not being sarcastic. you guys all rock.


04-07-2003, 08:16 AM
Thanks, I really appreciate that, and im sure the same goes for Jimmy & Michael :)

04-07-2003, 01:32 PM
indeed ;)

04-10-2003, 01:35 PM


08-16-2004, 12:36 PM
Thsi was a catch. I Just bought my own Lancia. You didn't mention my model there :-) I have read that the V6 engine form the first models where exchanged with a 3.0L V6 engine from Alfa. I thenk this engine has 192 bhp, but i would like someone to correct me here or perhaps tell me I'm correct? -I would like to get to know this car better....

08-18-2004, 03:49 PM
One point over looked...the Thema, Fiat Croma, and Saab 9000 were developed in coopoeration with Alfa Romeo (before Fiat took over). The Alfa Romeo 164 is the sister car to the above models.

09-24-2004, 11:35 AM
sister car
A sister car whose style is due to Pininfarina :worshippy

10-17-2004, 12:40 PM


Yes you are right. The original V6 was from The rench manufacturer Peugeot-Renault-Volvo (2849cc) 0-60 in about 8.4 secs. The third generation Thema had a Alfa V6 (2959cc) 175 BHP, 0-60 in 8.1secs. Of course they were both 12 valve units. The reason apparently was the smoothness was greater in the 12 valve unit.

What do you mean by "get it better?" Improve the power? If so the simple way forward is to help it breathe easier: Air filter. There are several in the market. Also you might consider an after market exhaust. But the greatest benefits would come from tuned length manifolds. This good prove costly if none are available of the shelf. Many people have worked on the engines to improve performance, eg Stratos kit car owners. It's all a question of cost! The car should be fine to take up to 205BHP the power of the 2.0l turbo - please check this though if you are serious about power mods.

Just look at any of the Alfa adverts for help on this.

If you are thinking about the interiour then you might like to take something from an 8.32. Indeed, there were a number of V6 Themas sold with the leather interior and wooden dash from the 8.32 range. I have seen one and it was a fine car too. It is in Japan now having made it way from France via the UK.

Hope this helps

10-17-2004, 12:53 PM
Now that would really be something :D

A Ferrari V8 in a Thesis! Now that would be fun. The V6 looked well packed in so a little shoe horning might be required. The Emblema has all the refinements in the interiour all that would be needed would be the engine. Hmmmm 3.6 V8, producing around 400 BHP.......BUT they must make all those driver "aids" optional!

08-09-2005, 02:48 PM
Hi All!
This is my 1st post here!!!!Yipee!!!!!

@AHB No,the Thema 6V,or V6 as it doesnt say on the grille,was always the PRV engine as used in the Volvo 2 series.Alfa never comissioned their 3.0 V6 to go in any Thema.

The 16v Turbo was always far quicker than the 8.32 also.The 8v Turbos were also far more spritely.The 8.32 had more torque,yes,but I can testify having owned a 1987/D 8v and a 1991/H 16v that when in the 8.32 it was far more muscley but less quick,noticeably so.When the boost kicks in on the Turbo models,it is savage.....


Oh,by the way you may want a look at this site www.rtcc.co.uk I bought my Themas from this guy. :)

08-09-2005, 05:14 PM
Hi GM832

I've been offline for i while. Aronud desember my motor crashed and I had to find i new. This was not very ease, but i managed after all. After 15 000 km the crankcase broke down... Now I have a new crankcase to and I'm happy again. Luckily I have one of those cars you've mentioned. The 8.32 inerior was also delivered with the LX models. Despite all those months almost without my Lancia. I would do the same once again - This must be one of the best cars ever made. It is a thrill :biggrin:

12-01-2005, 01:49 PM
The 8.32 inerior was also delivered with the LX models. those :
Is not right so, the leather and the color is the same but the seam is differently.


12-14-2009, 11:40 PM
I had no idea that Lancia had so many cool cars until I saw the latest peisodes of Top Gear.
Apparently they asked people to vote for the companies which had the most number of great cars... well unfortunately that contest went to Ford. But the presenters (Jeremy and Hammond) went on to explain that the voters were wrong.... they believed that the winner should have been Lancia.... and then showed a portfolio of the cars...
They showed a brief stint on the Thema 8.32 in which the rear spoiler rose out of the boot. I have to say that was by far my most fav part...

I have an Alfa 156.... certainly wish I could have that on my car.... :wink:

Maybe I can........

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