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Would you be interested in getting published?

01-15-2003, 10:16 AM
I'm working on launching an automotive enthusiast magazine, aimed at young (under 30) car people. This is not a "Ricer" or "Euro" or "Musclecar" publication; all branches of automotive enthusiasm will be treated equally and none will be looked down upon. The one exception to that rule is street racing, which will NOT be shown in a positive light. Cars that are modified for speed or for looks (or both) and the people who drive them are the focus of the magazine.

The concept is to have car show reviews, modification tips, and some historical stories. We have road tests of new cars and future model information covered, but we're looking for people who want to break into automotive writing.

At first, any submissions will be on spec (you won't get paid for them). Currently, there are no plans to go to paper copies of the magazine but it will be published electronically and emailed to subscribers. This allows for quicker turn-around time and less cost to the publisher and subscribers.

Oh, that "less cost to subscribers" thing, the magazine will be free to anyone who sends in a request and fills out a very short form (name, areas of interest, etc.).

We're hoping to launch the magazine before spring `03. Anyone interested in submitting writing or photography, please contact the editor at ClydeMag@aol.com.

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