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12-15-2007, 12:51 PM
i'm doing a project in creative writing on vacations and i'm planning on using a 2008 Mercury Mariner in my paper. What kind of gas does a mercury Mariner (2008) use? and how many miles does it go for? sorry if i'm saying things wrong. I'm not a car person very much:uhoh:

12-20-2007, 08:45 PM
87 octane gasoline. On the highway, if you don't go over 60 miles per hour, you can probably get 22 miles per gallon of gas if you have the 6 cylinder engine and maybe 28 miles per gallon for the 4 cylinder. I don't know if 2008 changed the gas tank, previous years had a 16 gallon capacity. So depending on the capacity and the engine you can go 300 or 400 miles between fill ups. There are alot of factors that can change that estimate, so use it as a rough guide. I know for my Escape, when the low fuel light comes on, I had better start looking for a gas station.

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