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what happened to all the girls?

12-04-2007, 02:18 AM
i put this here since this area of the forums has a lot of traffic. its not really relationship advice, just a question.

hmm. college is suppost to be be filled with girls and parties right? maybe im missing something. i go to class, have conversations with various girls, and in the end of it all, they dont want to meet up outside of class. what is is a guy has to do these days to prove that he doesnt want to just get her drunk and bone? how are you suppost to show that you actually want to get to know them personally?

ive tried talking to the quiet ones, and they seems to be afraid to talk about themselfs outside of class. kind of like a barrier if you know what i mean.

ive tried talking to the ones that can turn on 'hottie' when they want to, but they dont seem interested outside of class.

ive tried talking to the fat chicks, just because its better to be known to be friends with them so you arent bias on people, and talkin to their friends, but that doesnt work.

it seems the only girls that will really talk to me or w/e are the ones that are already in a relationship. for gods sake i was talking to a chick that i diddnt know was married till their 'husband' picked her up after class.

wtf is up with that? anyone? does a guy have to be pretend gangsta and buy all of this useless stuff to seem cool? i dont get it.

12-04-2007, 02:39 AM
:loser: :p

I never had a problem and I was at one of the largest schools in the nation where...wait. Nevermind, bad example. Aniwho, neer have I had a problem. Although I've had girls neglect to inform me of the b/f. That was mainly 'cause I got them hooked. :D Aniwho, those days are over. Good luck!

12-04-2007, 05:43 AM
Your intentions don't sound genuine, they probably pick up on that.

Case in point: Being friends with a fat chick just cos it improves your reputation.

Just relax and enjoy whatever comes your way.

12-04-2007, 09:54 AM
maybe i said it wrong. im cool with everyone in all my classes. maybe its that? like im not mean to anyone in any of them. makes me think.

12-04-2007, 10:47 AM
Try talking to girls outside of class

12-04-2007, 12:06 PM
Group projects are easy ways to meet and talk to girls. Go to parties, join a group or club that will give you a common interest to make it easier to meet girls. My college was among the top party schools so I also did not have any issues politicin' with the ladies. Did you ever consider maybe joining a frat?

12-04-2007, 05:28 PM
The problems isn't the girls. It's you.

Revise your approach.

lazy ass
12-04-2007, 07:23 PM
The problems isn't the girls. It's you.

Revise your approach.
Definitely. If classes aren't the right environment to play your game, try someplace else. Like a bar. Rely on the friends you already have, if you have any, to get your social life on a roll.

You are a cobra. You know when to strike, and when to lay low for a while. You were born knowing how, and you need only apply your instincts. Mammals, the inferior hunters, learn by observing, so they are more prone to mistakes when old techniques don't work in a new environment.

12-04-2007, 08:52 PM
Try girls outside of class maybe. I never really get that problem though :wink:

12-04-2007, 09:38 PM
Listening to an hour long history lecture isnt exactly the biggest aphrodisiac in the world. I only dated one girl from class when I was in college but that was because we had a biology lab together so we did a lot of interacting. Its probably not the girls its probably you. You are probably going about it wrong. You have to do something to strike interest in a girl. Going up to a girl and saying "Hi, Im _______. Wanna go out sometime?" wont get you anywhere. Just go out and put yourself out there, dont limit yourself to meeting someone from your class.

Oh and the ones who are with someone are more comfortable around guys because they have someone. They arent worried about trying to get any action.

12-04-2007, 09:59 PM
The nice guy approach is your problem. Let them think that all you want is to bone them. Their college girls, its what most of them do. Maybe their not looking for that long term relationship. Think about it, with all of the study time and parties they just dont want to deal with all of the b.s.

12-04-2007, 10:33 PM
^That worked everytime for me...

12-04-2007, 10:33 PM
Just take it easy and be yourself. Girls can pick up if you're desperate, as it looks like you're trying too hard. The more chill you get about the whole process, the easier it'll be to meet girls. Before I had a girlfriend, I found it extremely difficult to meet/talk to girls in class. After I got a g/f, I found that I was way more easy going in class and girls actually started asking me out. Go figure.

12-04-2007, 10:53 PM
Hookers... just a thought

lazy ass
12-04-2007, 11:01 PM
Just take it easy and be yourself. Girls can pick up if you're desperate, as it looks like you're trying too hard. The more chill you get about the whole process, the easier it'll be to meet girls. Before I had a girlfriend, I found it extremely difficult to meet/talk to girls in class. After I got a g/f, I found that I was way more easy going in class and girls actually started asking me out. Go figure.

This is the best reply so far. Even if you never mention you have a gf, it's like a fucking chain reaction of sex. It's so strange. It's an utter mystery to me.

12-05-2007, 11:55 AM
Hookers... just a thought


12-05-2007, 05:35 PM
You're trying too hard. WAY too hard. Hell, I can feel your desperation from here.

Okay, that was harsh, but the truth hurts sometimes.

Seriously, there have to be other things to do at your school than class. Join a club or 3. Eat lunch at the student union (or cafeteria or wherever) and ask someone sitting alone if you might join them. Strike up some small talk at the bus stop (or waiting for a class to let out before you can go in).

12-06-2007, 12:02 AM
idk. i dont think that im going into my classes desperate. lol. you know what is wierd, that after i posted this, people are starting to talk to me now. makes no sense at all to me. cant exactly join any clubs, work froem 5-10pm M-F. maybe its because of all the stress people are getting since classes are ending rather soon, and exams are in like 2 weeks. maybe thats it. idk.

drunken monkey
12-06-2007, 05:34 AM
this isn't exactly the first time you've started a thread like this; that sounds like desperation to me.....

12-06-2007, 07:57 AM
1. Smile when you enter the room... it matters.
2. Don't try so hard, sit back and make them try for you. Trying so hard, or at least appearing to try so hard will drive them away or into freindship status.

12-07-2007, 11:24 AM
Maybe if you didn't try so hard...

12-07-2007, 01:25 PM
Yeah just be natural. Compliments work too. Thats what I used to do. Then...it happened.

12-07-2007, 02:59 PM
Relaxed Calm Confident...

Jokes/Ice breakers are always key and smiling is a big thing as well :wink:

-The Stig-
12-07-2007, 09:10 PM
The problems isn't the girls. It's you.

Revise your approach.

Agreed, try approaching them with your penis in your pants.

12-10-2007, 12:43 AM
Agreed, try approaching them with your penis in your pants.

Matty's learned the hard way more than once, and scared many a girl with that approach.

Toksin is right, i think what you need to do is just chill, go to a bar and practice your game a bit to, that helps, and the key to getting any girl is not being afraid of rejection, just saying fuck it and give it a shot.

12-11-2007, 06:51 PM
Conveniently ironic eh? (http://www.automotiveforums.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=770755)

I suspect its in fact a 14 year old boy with too much time on his hands

12-11-2007, 08:05 PM
^But 2 screen names is againist the rules. Back to Banlandia for you! :p

12-11-2007, 08:14 PM
*hangs head in shame*

12-19-2007, 03:37 AM
blah. i edited it. i think it comes down to that i need to get out of the house. thats probobly it.

12-19-2007, 04:00 AM
I dont see how anything u have said equals manic depressive

12-25-2007, 07:27 AM
Try smiling, it helps. As said, RELAX, have CONFIDENCE, don't just pretend, because girls sense that as was well. It's in your state of mind and what point you are in your life. You are trying and trying, it just might not be the right time.

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