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Parts Needed

12-02-2007, 09:54 AM
Can anyone tell me where I can get a couple front doors for my 90 Metro? I have a 4-door metro and the 2 front doors are screwed up. It started out needing window sweeps that hold the windows on track. So, I just left the windows up because my A/C worked fine. That went out. So, I had to put a window down and someone else put the other down. So, after messing with the windows going up and down a lot, the regulators are now screwed up and still no window sweeps. Now I just want to replace the doors. Can anyone help me with this? It has gotten a bit cold here and windows no longer go up and down like they should. Don't seal anymore.
Also, can anyone tell me where I can get an A/C seal kit that really fits the metro? These are really tiny compared to the regular after-market I have found.


03-22-2008, 09:27 AM

06-18-2008, 10:23 PM
local junk yard? that seems to be my best bet
or ebay but be ready for very high shipping

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