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choke problems 86 Peris.

11-09-2007, 12:39 PM
Does anyone have a diagram of the choke-pull-off, or an exploded view of the carb? Im trying to diagnose my step daughters choke problem from 3 states away. She says it runs rough [near stall condition when cold] Okay when warm. Thus far I've told her to spray carb cleaner on the linkages when cold. When dry, start the engine and spray down the intake while reving. [only for a few minutes].

The guy at Autozone told her to put a pint of cleaner in the tank. Can you believe it? Well that's Virgina.

11-09-2007, 04:37 PM
How are you going to determine if the choke is closed too muckh or too little, and whether the troublesome pull off is working?

11-11-2007, 05:36 PM
As best I can. I instructed her: Using the Cordless phone-


with the engine cold remove the air cleaner cover

have someone depress the accelerator to set the choke plate. verify The choke butterfly closes, falls, to cover the carberator throat. If not, the choke linkage is binding and must be freed, and\or cleaned. with spray cleaner

holding the accelerator at half check to see if the plate has freedom of movement.

Start engine. Verify the Choke plate has moved about 20 degrees from the horizontal of the carberator throat. If not Check vacuume lint to pull-off diaphram

11-11-2007, 07:37 PM
Well done. Also remember there is a fuel filter in the carb inlet and can cause hard starting as well, if this is an AFB 4bbl carb, they are known to leak down from the main jet well plugs.

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