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knock sensor problems

11-04-2007, 06:37 PM
Does anyone have a problem with their knock sensor? My X is running terrible and the diag.reads knock sensor malfuntion. Could anything else but a defective KS cause the code to come up. I thought that if there was water in the gas causing it to run rough that maybe this could cause the code to come up. If I do have to replace it is it a difficult job? I've also heard of bypassing it with resisters. Is this common practice?
Standing by waiting to see if I have to replace it. Can't drive it like this.

11-04-2007, 09:42 PM
First: http://www.automotiveforums.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=157161

If you're supercharged, your sensor is critical. If not, it's not. Yes, it's a royal bitch to replace.

11-09-2007, 09:47 AM
Does anyone have a problem with their knock sensor? My X is running terrible and the diag.reads knock sensor malfuntion. Could anything else but a defective KS cause the code to come up. I thought that if there was water in the gas causing it to run rough that maybe this could cause the code to come up. If I do have to replace it is it a difficult job? I've also heard of bypassing it with resisters. Is this common practice?
Standing by waiting to see if I have to replace it. Can't drive it like this.I had the same problem on my 2002 xterra non super charged. My light came on for the knock sensor. Only thing I did was to tighten my gas cap down, and the light turned off after 3 driving cycles. I hope this helps you. Also try some shell midrange gas, my light never came back on and I'm back on reg shell.

11-09-2007, 08:10 PM
The knock sensor alone WILL NOT TRIP THE "SERVICE ENGINE SOON" LIGHT. If you leave the gas cap loose, you'll get an EVAP code of some sort.

12-21-2007, 06:30 PM
Offroad X is right . I just had that happen to me yesterday . One thing though . If you have a stereo system with a capacitor , you have to dissconnected that too or the main power wire will act as a battery from the cap. This will have enough power to run the Xterra's computer for a few days. Dissconnecting the battery works great just make sure the computer was unpowered. Check your short trip odometer to make sure it reset itself. I also had the faults read at Auto zone and the knock sensor went away and the check engine soon light is out too .

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