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72 351 Ford Rancero Header Exhaust Gasket Help!!!

10-04-2007, 05:24 PM
:banghead: I am trying to replace my exhaust gasket. Passengerside with headers. My problem/question is which way does the gasket go? It is a fel-pro gasket. Does the metal side go against the block? Does the solid/flat side go on top? Does the hooks on each end hook over or under the bolt? Please, I need to know the correct way cause I surely do not want to have to do it again. It has been really hard. I am not a normally a Ford woman. I have a 72 350 Chevy 4x4 monster truck that has headers and I have had to replace those gaskets with out near as much difficulty. Also I plan on using locktite on the bolts as I have on my Chevy. Any opinion on that? Any other advice or information would be of help and greatly appreciated. Thank You

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