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Don't miss the hidden hose!

09-15-2007, 02:29 PM
A couple years ago it came time to get a new alternator for my '92 Park Avenue. My car has the "Series 1" L27 3800 engine. For those of you with the same motor, take a look down underneath the alternator and you'll see a small curved heater hose about 5 inches long. This heater hose (I've seen it called a bypass hose at autozone, PN#S-3041) is often overlooked, and if I had inspected it back then when I had the alternator pulled, I would have replaced it, seeing as it is very easy to remove with the alternator out of the way. The other day my coolant level started dropping, and I found that this hose started leaking. Just underneath the hose is the waterpump, and if I hadn't really observed the source of the leak, I probably would have jumped the gun and thought the waterpump gasket was leaking! And for those of you who have replaced a waterpump on this engine, you know it isn't a fun day in the park, especially if it turns out to be all for nothing! Also, I could imagine would would have happened had the hose busted and spewed coolant all over the alternator! :banghead: So the next time you're changing your radiator hoses and/ or alternator, spend the extra 8 bucks and change that hose as well! It could prevent a lot of possible costly repairs in the near future! Just a friendly suggestion to my fellow 3800 owners!

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