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Radio Problems

08-06-2007, 09:42 AM
I have an 04 Suzuki Verona.Battery was changed and radio will not work.When u turn radio on the panel reads "COD----". I thought it had a code u needed to put in,but dealership said "no code",Bad radio.New radio 1400 bucks plus.Car has only 23000 miles,but,of course,went out of warranty about 3 months ago.HELP.ANyone got any ideas?Thanks. BJ:banghead:

06-16-2008, 10:23 AM
Sir' Unless They Change That In 0/4 It Is Made By Daewoo even doe It may Say SUZUKI It Is Made By GM/Daewoo And They Do Use COD For The Radio.I Own Two And The COD' Should Be In The G box With Your Manual.Charlie9.

06-16-2008, 01:21 PM
Thanks.I finally found a radio shop here in Chattanooga who had the code book and they reset it for me.Dealer was just trying to sell me a new radio! Thanks again for replying -Good Day to u Sir.BJ:rofl:

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