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Pontiac options

07-17-2007, 12:47 PM
I am wondering where I can look to find out what options were available for a 71 pontiac lemans sport. Specifically was the rear spoiler and hood tac available?

07-18-2007, 09:04 AM

That's a good question... I believe the wing was, but don't recall seeing any with the tach.



03-03-2010, 09:49 PM
I want to say both were available. I'm no expert, but I believe in 1971 & 1972 the GTO could be purchased as a kit for the LeMans. In other words you'd buy the LeMans and ask for the dealer installed GTO kit. So again, I think you could get both. Why don' tyou check with a Pontiac Enthusiat CLub. I'm sure they have that type of documentation available easily. Good luck

06-16-2013, 07:15 PM
To find out what options were on Your Pontiac You can send in $35.00 to PHS (Pontiac Historical Services) and they will send You a bunch of info on Your Pontiac,a build sheet of all Your cars options and more helpful info on that year of Pontiacs!

You could order just about any option on the old Pontiacs,from hood tach's,spoilers,engines,interiors etc!You could order an in-dash tach or a clock,rally gauges instead of the regular idiots lights as they were called...You didn't see too many stock Pontiacs with the rear spoilers unless they were GTO's or as mentioned in 1971-72 You could have the GTO "Option" Endura front end...but You can buy them now brand new After market and put them on Your Pontiac! ;)

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