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Help: 1965 Catalina 2+2 cuts out when running!

06-18-2007, 02:06 PM
I have a 1965 Pontiac 2+2 convertible bone stock, and have an intermittent problem I can’t get to the bottom of. The car runs very strong and starts with no problem. But every so often the car just dies (like the ignition switch is turned off). It happens sometimes when idling, it happens sometimes when running down the road, just whenever it feels like. If I set for about 10 minutes it starts right up and will run great, sometime for days sometime for 5 miles. I checked and when the car dies there is no spark. I have replaced the battery, the starter motor and solenoid, the ignition switch, the coil, and the condenser, the spark plug wiring including the coil to distributor wire. Has anyone ever experienced anything like this happening? I am at a loss and in the need of help. Thanks!

06-18-2007, 04:38 PM
Welcome to AF. Do you have voltage at the plus wire on the coil from the ignition when this happens? Basic diagnostics here, also if I remember correcty there is a resistor circuit in the wire that feeds the coil in the run position only, focus on that circuit, if no voltage at the coil when this happens trace back to the ign switch and just keep going from there.

11-29-2010, 10:43 PM
If its cutting out i would also think it could be a fuel problem not just the wiring just something to check into

05-06-2011, 12:41 PM
Try and Change the fuel pump, a lot of older GMs would air lock. You can try next time this happens throw some cold water on the fuel pump, and if it starts up right away thats your problem.

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