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Catalina resto help

06-06-2007, 11:42 AM
Hi everybody, I'm new to the forum and have a bunch of questions about a 1970 Catalina that I just inherited. I don't plan on spending tons of money on this car I just want it to be a unique weekend cruiser (as I'm sure you know the 70 catalina has a very "unique" look) I will discuss plans and post pics in another post but for now I just want to get this car driveable...She's been sitting in a garage for about 15 years and needs some work to be road worthy. New fuel tank, brake job, exhaust repair, tune up etc. Right now priority one is to get the interior to a point where I can actually sit in it! Over the years it has developed some (actually quite a bit!) unsightly/unhealthy mold on the door panels,seats, rear deck, steering column(!) and I'm sure that the climate control ducts and AC components are full of this nasty stuff as well! I need some advice on how to safely remove this mold without ruining my vinyl seats and door panels (I think I'm just going to replace the carpet...it's pretty far gone) also any ideas on cleaning out my "ductwork" so I can use the heat/AC without getting sick...Any suggestions are welcome, thanks in advance!

06-09-2007, 10:23 PM
I have used warm sudsy water with a few drops of ammonia to remove mold from vinyl surfaces with good results. Make sure whatever you try , you first try on an inconspicuous spot to see if it stains or damages the surface.There might be some commercial mold removing products to use on vinyl available. You could check retail auto parts stores, autobody supply houses and even janitorial supply houses to see what's available. Cleaning the ductwork appears to be difficult. You could probably try and vacuum any debris and use a spray-type product that kills mold and mildew such as Lysol.

11-29-2010, 10:48 PM
hot soapy water dnt let it sit there for long so as you scrub it use another towel to dry it off .. after this id steam clean it and let it sit the mold if its sat for too long can def leave stains to wear the only thing you can do is replace the fabric!!

06-18-2013, 01:58 AM
Mean Green cleans up vinyl pretty good,I have taken many old Pontiac interior seats out and even sprayed them down with spray bottle cleaner and pressure sprayed the mold off just don't get real close with the sprayer!

Front seats un-bolt pretty easily and back seats come out by the front ends being pushed downward and back then raise up....there's usually a spring under the seat that sits in a metal bracket,the back seat usually has a bolt holding it in towards the bottom then it lifts up off it's metal bracket in the back!

The dash can be cleaned off and the vents come out with some difficulty but taking off the glove box door and inside tray will give You better access to hinge under the dash!Door panels can be taken off or simply open each door up and give it a good cleaning while still on? ;)

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