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how good is it?

05-17-2007, 10:50 PM
guys im thinking of getting an RSX type s, i come from a line of honda and i want to keep it that way, from CRX to GSR, so, how good is the RSX compared to a type R integra? in terms of resale, handling, speed, aceleration and stuff, my main concern is that its been discontinued and that it may be hard to re sale it, and parts may not be made anymore, so if anyone has any coments, please share to help me decide. thanx.

05-19-2007, 11:16 AM
I think we had a Type R vs. Type S thread a couple years back and decided they were damn near even, with some even giving the Type R the advantage. I'm sure parts for either will be easy enough to come by online for a good time to come- so go with whichever you like best. Both great cars for what they are...

You might also want to do a search here for that thread.

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