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Computer Codes For 91-97 XJ

04-25-2007, 12:09 AM
Hi All!

After searching the forum far and wide and not finding the codes and meanings, I remembered they were listed at http://go.jeep-xj.info/HowtoECUcodes.htm :aus:

Here are the 91-97 codes:

11 No crank signal to computer. Fault in wiring between crankshaft position sensor (CPS) and ECM ( PCM or computer ) or faulty CPS.

12 Battery disconnected. Battery or power to the ECM disconnected in the last 50 key cycles.

13 MAP Sensor. No change in Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) between engine off and on. Check circuit and MAP sensor.

14 MAP Sensor. MAP sensor voltage too high or low. Check circuit and sensor.

15 Speed sensor or circuit. No signal detected from speed sensor. Check circuit and sensor.

17 Engine running too cold. Wrong or faulty thermostat. Check also sensor and circuit for fault.

21 Oxygen sensor or circuit. O2 sensor or wiring faulty.

22 Coolant sensor or circuit. Check temp sensor and wiring.

23 Intake air temp or circuit. Check air temp sensor and wiring.

24 Throttle Position Sensor (TPS) Check TPS sensor and wiring.

25 Idle Air Control circuit (IAC) Check IAC sensor and wiring.

26 Injector circuit resistance. Peak injector current has not been reached or injector circuits have resistance

27 Fuel injector control circuit. Will need specialist diagnostics.

31 Evaporative control circuit. Fault in fuel evaporative control circuit or hoses.

33 Air conditioning clutch relay. Wiring to A/C clutch fault.

34 Cruise control circuit. Fault in circuit.

35 Cooling fan relay. Check relay and circuit.

36 Air switch solenoid circuit. Air switch solenoid circuit (non-turbo) or the waste gate solenoid on turbocharged models

37 Torque converter clutch. Needs specialist or dealer diagnostics.

41 Alternator field switch. Switch not operating correctly and check charging system.

42 Automatic shutdown relay. Check relay and circuit. Needs specialist or dealer diagnostics.

43 Misfire. Misfire in one or more cylinders.

44 Battery temperature sensor. Needs specialist or dealer diagnostics.

46 Battery over voltage. Check charging system.

47 Battery under voltage. Check charging system.

51 O2 detects lean mixture. Check sensor and circuit and for vacuum leaks.

52 O2 detects rich mixture. Check fuel injection system and sensor.

53 Powertrain Control Module. PCM (ECM) fault. Needs specialist or dealer diagnostics.

54 Distributor sync pickup. Change sync sensor in distributor.

55 End of code. Trouble codes finished or none recorded.

61 BARO solenoid BARO solenoid failure

62 Emissions reminder. Emissions maintenance reminder. Needs specialist or dealer diagnostics.

63 Controller failure. EEPROM write denied. Needs specialist or dealer diagnostics.

64 Flexible fuel sensor. Flexible fuel (methanol) sensor indicates concentration sensor input more/less than acceptable voltage

65 Manifold tune value. Manifold tune valve solenoid circuit open or shorted

66 TCM to PCM failure. No message from the Transmission Control Module (TCM) to the Powertrain Control Module (PCM)

72 Catalytic converter circuit. Needs specialist or dealer diagnostics.

76 Fuel pump bypass relay circuit. Needs specialist or dealer diagnostics.

77 Cruise control system. Check power to cruise control solenoids.


04-26-2007, 03:24 AM

04-27-2007, 10:04 AM
This deserves a sticky..

05-10-2007, 01:00 AM
:naughty: A sticky what...?

05-10-2007, 10:15 PM
Well...I sticked it...that is Internet talk on forums....for putting it up at the top for other peeps to look at.

It is considered important information and is in no way derogatory...

05-11-2007, 03:24 AM
A stickey BUN(s) Oh, yeah!

Isn't Idaho a deep state? mmm...

Still, by no means derogatory. I just couldn't help myself.

http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f308/heart_of_silver/Tricks%20and%20Bones/th_30de76b1.gif http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a21/tad313/icons/th_49df9e73.gif http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c359/horserider22/th_02d8e04f.gif http://img272.imageshack.us/img272/5148/potukava27ub.gif http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c284/estef369/th_ththjeffthomas621.jpg

Wow, I've got game. http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a86/lexycutie69/emoticons/th_th54e6c16e.gif http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v102/cotell/Emoticon/th_throck.gif

~Good Luck, Cause I Luv Ya! http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b302/DemonRice/th_pirateicon.gif

ps~ this comment in this thread in no way attemtps to take away from the validity of said subject matter(s).

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