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Do you believe this?

03-16-2007, 12:45 PM
http://cdn5.tribalfusion.com/media/37536.gif (http://a.tribalfusion.com/l.click?clickID=aYmyn62m3HmW6rTtFhYFUcYF790qytSUUZ bTFr1THQWnbjmRbrr1Evq3EYi5Tr2mEMGXUFgUWMRoAnBnVfwo HQK2TZbh2WaN5mvZcnrjJ0GnRYVnU0cfMnTvW2FrRVbMBWPYXQ Ebg8n0tG7&clickURL=http%3a%2f%2fa%2etribalfusion%2ecom)OK so i got a speeding ticket!! Well the story goes that I was on my way to work on a morning in January in my brand new car( still had paper tag) and I see a cop in my rearview. He was almost half a mile behind me on the four lane highway that I take to work every morning. This cop is flying so I get over in the right lane thinking that he would blow right by me.....WRONG he jumps over behind me and turns on the lights. I pull over and he says that I was going 90 Mph in a 65 Mph zone!! Thats right 25 MPH over!! So me being the nice guy that I am I took the ticket and went on to work. I later called to find out about the fine and they said it would be $350.00

Then i noticed that he did not clock me with a radar, he didnt clock me with a laser... This pig claimed to pace me with his patrol car!!! I thoought to myself , no wonder i was in shock of getting pulled over. After that little discovery i decided to take it to court to fight the fact that i was driving so fast. Well I drag my ass up at 6am to get to court at 9am. At 9 the court started and they called my name ... I got up and approached the stand. Then I look around and the cop was no where to be found!! He did not even come to court! The judge was like "why giva court date and not show?" So just when I think it will get thrown out ...another cop says he was gonna call him!! The judge had me sit and wait till last and the cop finnaly showed up. I wanted to say "if you cant get here on time just get here when you can!!" But I didnt. The fine was cut to $100.00 based on the situation. But I think its kinda shitty that I had to be there on time and he gets the luxury to just come when he wants to. Next time I have to go to court I think I will wait for someone to call me to remind me that I have to be there!!!...............YEAH RIGHT!!!!!!!!!

03-16-2007, 01:01 PM
Ive had plenty of tickets and only had to go to court once, cause that was a "Criminal offense" but all the other ones (even a 112 in a 70) I didnt have to go to court, my lawyer took care of everything.

03-17-2007, 10:02 PM
1996 saab 9000 clocked at 137 in a 65... the cop that pulled me over... lets just say we knew each other and she dropped the charges. you should have seen the judges face when she said that. now to go to a different subject. thursday night i was pulling into my driveway with my new speed3 and as i pulled in at about 5-7 mph i broke a couple motor mounts, the engine dropped to the ground and snapped my CV axle in two!!! this is what i get for buying a brand new model car, right? the worst part is i knew beter.

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