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Torque specs

04-28-2006, 12:15 PM
2g turbo
Application Ft. Lbs. (N.m)
Camshaft Bearing Cap Bolt
1995 (2) 24 (32)
1996-97 (2) 15 (20)
Camshaft Sprocket Bolt 66 (90)
Connecting Rod Nut (1) , (3)
Crankshaft Bearing Cap Bolt (1) , (4)
Crankshaft Pulley/Sprocket Bolt 89 (120)
Cylinder Head Bolts
Step 1 58 (78)
Step 2 Loosen Fully
Step 3 15 (20)
Step 4 (5)
Step 5 (5)
Engine Support Bracket Bolt 34 (45)
Exhaust Manifold Nut 21 (28)
Flywheel/Drive Plate Bolt 99 (135)
Front Cover Bolt
8-mm Bolt 18 (24)
10-mm Bolt 23 (31)
Idler Pulley Bolt 28 (38)
Intake Manifold Mounting
Bolt 18 (14)
Nut 27 (36)
Intake Manifold Plenum Bolt/Nut 13 (18)
Intake Manifold Stay Bolt 31 (23)
Oil Cooler Bolt 14 (19)
Oil Cooler By-Pass Valve 41 (55)
Oil Filter Bracket Bolt 14 (19)
Oil Pump Cover Bolt 13 (17)
Oil Pump Pick-Up Tube Bolt 14 (19)
Oil Pump Sprocket Nut 41 (55)
Oil Pump Relief Plug 45 (34)
Silent Shaft Sprocket Bolt 28-34 (37-46)
Throttle Body Bolt 15 (19)
Timing Belt
Auto Tensioner Bolt 18 (24)
Tensioner Arm Bolt 16 (22)
Tensioner Pulley Bolt 36 (49)
Tensioner Spring Bolt 36 (49)
Turbo Coolant Inlet Line Banjo Bolt 10 (14)
Turbo Oil Pipe-To-Cylinder Head Banjo Bolt 13 (17)
Turbo Oil Pipe-To-Turbo Banjo Bolt 23 (31)
Turbo-To-Manifold Bolt/Nut 44 (60)
Water Pump Bolt 10 (14)
INCH Lbs. (N.m)
Bellhousing Bolt 80 (9)
Camshaft Position Sensor Bolt 62 (9)
Crankshaft Angle Sensor Bolt 62 (9)
Oil Pan Bolt 62 (7)
Oil Pressure Switch 89 (10)
Rear Crankshaft Oil Seal Case Bolt 97 (11)
Turbo Oil Drain Line Bolt 84 (9)
Valve Cover Bolt 24 (3)
Water Pump Pulley Bolt 71 (8)
(1) Torque specifications have been updated by Mitsubishi TSB. See TECHNICAL SERVICE BULLETIN TSB-92-11-003 .
(2) Tighten bolts in sequence. See Fig. 15 .
(3) Tighten bolts to 15 ft.lbs. (20 N.m) and then tighten bolts 90°, plus another 90°.
(4) Tighten bolts to 18 ft.lbs. (25 N.m) and then tighten bolts 90°, plus another 90°.
(5) Tighten bolts 90°, DO NOT use a torque wrench for this step. See Fig. 3 .

2g N/T
Application Ft. Lbs. (N.m)
Camshaft Bearing Caps (1)
Camshaft Sprocket Bolt 75 (101)
Connecting Rod Bolts (2) 20 (27)
Crankshaft Main Bearing Cap/Bedplate (3)
M8 Bedplate Bolts 21 (28)
M11 Main Cap Bolts 55 (75)
Crankshaft Damper Pulley Bolt 105 (142)
Cylinder Head Bolts (4)
Engine Support Bracket Attaching Bolts 71 (97)
Engine Support Bracket Through Bolt 71-85 (97-118)
Exhaust Manifold-To-Cylinder Head Bolts 17 (23)
Flexplate-To-Crankshaft Flange (5)
Flywheel-To-Crankshaft Flange (5)
Intake Manifold Nuts (6) 17 (23)
Oil Filter Adapter 40 (55)
Oil Filter 15 (20)
Oil Pump Relief Valve Retaining Cap 39 (54)
Power Steering Pump-to-Bracket Bolts 29 (39)
Power Steering Pump Bracket-to-Engine Bolts 29 (39)
Timing Belt Tensioner Bolts 23 (31)
Transaxle Mount Through Bolt 50 (69)
Transaxle Mount Vertical Bolt 41 (56)
INCH Lbs. (N.m)
Oil Pan Bolts 106 (12)
Oil Pump Cover Bolt 106 (12)
Valve Cover Bolts (7)
Water Pump-To-Engine Block 106 (12)
(1) Tighten bolts to specification. See the installation procedure in CAMSHAFT & CAM FOLLOWER .
(2) Tighten bolts to specification, then tighten an additional 1/4 turn.
(3) Tighten bolts to specification. See CRANKSHAFT & MAIN BEARINGS in CYLINDER BLOCK ASSEMBLY under OVERHAUL.
(4) See Cylinder Head INSTALLATION procedure.
(5) Torque specification, not available from manufacturer.
(6) Start at center and move outwards.
(7) Tighten bolts in 3 steps. See the installation procedure in CAMSHAFT & CAM FOLLOWER

I couldnt get the pics yet but I can try and get them. Sticky?

04-28-2006, 02:13 PM
i say sticky:bigthumb:

this is good info for anybody on this site who wants to do it themselves...if i were a mod id sticky it :2cents:

04-28-2006, 02:34 PM
Good quick reference if there's no manuals handy.

04-28-2006, 02:57 PM
I think Thor is also doing one for the 1g, if we can combine them that would probably be the best.

06-13-2006, 04:25 PM
good job. I hated having to find the specs individually.

I have a tendency to overtorque quite a few things, ask my oil pan ;)

08-30-2006, 07:33 PM
is the numbers in lbs?? and what about the retainers how many lbs of toruq on them. or would that be the barrin caps

08-30-2006, 08:59 PM
The first number is in LBS, the second number (in parenthesees) is NM. And what retainers are you talking about, the camshaft bearing caps, or the crankshaft rod bolts??

Luke Home
12-25-2007, 04:03 PM
2g turbo

Would most of these specs work for the (420a) as well?
If not, are these specs defined in some list here?

If not, What manual would be advised for getting these specs?

12-25-2007, 04:43 PM
Would most of these specs work for the (420a) as well?
If not, are these specs defined in some list here?

If not, What manual would be advised for getting these specs?
It clearly says 2g TURBO... The 420a is not the turbo motor, so no, they will not be the same torque specs.

Luke Home
12-25-2007, 05:25 PM
It clearly says 2g TURBO... The 420a is not the turbo motor, so no, they will not be the same torque specs.

Yes I see that, but I am still trying to discern the differences between these motors... that is since they both use the same block. Is the block the only common motor component to these motors?

What does not make sense to me is the prices on the parts for the Turbo and Non-Turbo. All the turbo parts I have checked into (since I am over hauling this 420a motor) the Non-Turbo parts are more $$$. I would expect the turbo parts to be more since they are seeing greater forces.

12-25-2007, 05:49 PM
Yes I see that, but I am still trying to discern the differences between these motors... that is since they both use the same block. Is the block the only common motor component to these motors?

What does not make sense to me is the prices on the parts for the Turbo and Non-Turbo. All the turbo parts I have checked into (since I am over hauling this 420a motor) the Non-Turbo parts are more $$$. I would expect the turbo parts to be more since they are seeing greater forces.
Ok, first off. This is the tech section and we are not to be posting in here unless it is for a tech article or something. So if you want to discuss more details of your build, then please start a new thread in the appropriate subforum.

2nd of all... They are NOT the same block at all. The motors are 180 degrees completely different...

Luke Home
12-25-2007, 05:55 PM
... please start a new thread in the appropriate subforum...

Ok ... thanks ... will do.

01-05-2008, 03:49 AM
Hook it up with the 420A #'s


vanilla gorilla
01-06-2008, 01:41 AM
The 420a numbers are already posted.....

01-11-2008, 07:35 PM
The 420a numbers are already posted.....

I know that >=(..................now...

10-19-2010, 09:16 PM
The 420a numbers are already posted.....

where are they posted?

10-19-2010, 11:05 PM
Post number 1 in this thread

08-25-2013, 05:47 AM
If you guys need a 1G torque spec i have the 1992 1G first gen torque specs haha if that helps! message me if you need them i always have my book handy :)

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