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Bentley Arnage for the year 2007!

09-28-2006, 02:36 AM
The cars with the combination of the luxury and sport are nothing new. Even in the first models we can find some sign of luxury or superior comfort what is made by the automobile development what goes up the world. Everyday, without our knowledge, the developers of the most diverse car companies bring all the possible improvments of their car models to the world. The development should keep abreast of the times and therefore we cannot be surprised. What do the car companies increasingly target on is the sport side of their cars and despite it they do not forget on the comfort, safety and auto features. In a word – luxury. The automakers do really know the demands of a demanding mankind and surely therefore they has chosen this way. It was not also different in the mashining shop of a king of the luxury on the road – Bentley, in this case his new model for the year 2007.

http://www.tuningmag.net/images/news/bentley_arnage_13092006/bentley_arnage_text_1.jpg (http://www.tuningmag.net/?name=bentley-arnage-tuning-2007)

Full story: Tuningmag.net - Bentley Arnage (http://www.tuningmag.net/?name=bentley-arnage-tuning-2007)

03-18-2007, 01:57 PM
I love this series!

02-21-2009, 02:13 AM
$3.10 for an automatic knife with free shipping, now thats cheap http://www.liangdianup.com/automatic_1.htm how about the
buck 110 auto? Do they still make that thing here in the states? I think they were being converted into autos out west. Nice
knife, these guys also have a copy of a Buck 110 auto.

07-02-2014, 02:39 AM
The Bentley Arnage (http://www.globalautosports.com/model/126/Bentley-Arnage) is a beautiful car. Always wanted one.

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