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Anyone read Triumph world or performance ford U.K mags

09-25-2006, 06:09 PM
I have tried to pick these up as often as I can find them! I just think they have an interesting angle on the hobby. I like the way the editors include the owners of the cars they feature in many of the pictures. It just seems to add a nice personalized touch to it that I NEVER see in U.S. magazines. The U.K vintage motorcycle mags do that as well. I think it's very cool that they do so.Also the editorial content is less about selling a product and more about selling the "joy of involvement". I cant really quite put my finger on IT exactly, but I just know when I see one of those limey mags on the shelf I am going to pay the seven dollars and buy it even though the print is very small and I will have a headache even if I wear my reading glasses!!! I am an engineering technician by day and a car nut the rest of the time. I own a 69 Mustang mach one and an odd assortment of other vehicles I use regularly. But I like British car mags. I would like to hear what others "out there" think about these U.K magazines

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