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Audi Q7 modified by JE Design

08-15-2006, 08:37 AM
Nothing has been left to chance by JE Design Company and this company has sharply started the preparations for the new offer of tuning components especially for this good-looker. In the offer there will be new plastics, wheels and of course the engine upgrade. As far as the visual side of this modification is concerned, it will apply to the front part, namely, a sporty lower spoiler will be put under the front bumper. It is characterized by its resemblance to the lower part of the front bumper, mostly to its middle part, that means to the mask.

http://www.tuningmag.net/images/news/je_design_audi_q7_19062006/je_design_audi_q7_text_01.jpg (http://www.tuningmag.net/?name=audi-q7-modified-je-design)

Read more: http://www.tuningmag.net/?name=audi-q7-modified-je-design

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