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Just wanted to say "Hello"

08-19-2002, 03:04 PM
Hi !
I just signed to join this forum wich i foun by fortune. Iīm living in Germany (Yeah, the "home" of the BMW) and didīnt find some good working forums there (believe it or not :-). I just bought my BMW some weeks ago, and iīm not planning to do some optical- or other tuning on it...not yet, but who knows ? But itīs always nice to meet people for who the car is just more than a vehicle to use to come from A to B...but at least itīs NOT all of my life :-)


It seems like the server is very slow here :-((.....probably too much traffic ? And BTW: Sorry for my spelling/grammar...itīs simply TOO many years ago iīve had english in school *LOL*

08-20-2002, 05:37 AM
Welcome to the site Master-C,

Do not worry, your English spelling and grammar isn't that bad, I understand what you are saying ok.

Nice looking car, enjoy your driving.

1996 E36 320i

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