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I don't get it.

07-03-2006, 06:01 PM
I think I read that they are going to stop making the Raider, due to the fact that they just can't sell them. Mitsubishi told Dodge to stop making them since most have been sitting on the lot since they first came out. I really don't understand why nobody really wants them. I have driven one and I really like it. What do ya'll think about them? They are just a dakota with a different fascia. And hopefully next year I could find one for pretty cheap.

10-20-2006, 09:54 PM
i don't get it either other than maybe the price . The look is a lot better than the Dakota . Unfortunetly for 07 they are dropping the V8 option , big mistake , the 6 is not strong enough for this vehicle and they is very little difference mpg wise over the V8.

10-21-2006, 02:46 PM
My neighbor bought one a couple of weeks ago for 18500 and it's the top of the line Quad cab 4x4 V8. And after seeing it everyday for a few week I think I like it even more.

11-16-2006, 09:00 AM
The Raider and other "badge engineered" domestic automobiles sickens me. This is why the auto industry is hurting here. Too much production capacity and union contracts that force the manufacturers to build more then they can sell or pay workers to not come to work. It's the reason we have these vehicles that are identical except for the badges and some options. The unions are not totally at fault, the automakers agreed to these contracts.

The Raider is OK, but it's a Dodge Dakota, pure and simple, with some Mitsubishi touches to it. And with the Dodge brand offering more choices of styles (and nearly the same incentives) why buy the Mitsubishi version? Better warranty is the only reason I can think of. As you can see, the Raider was a loser for Mitsubishi. I think I read somewhere that the V8 option was dropped from the last of the production line. If you remember the commercials, that was the the Raiders "trump card" over the other import pick-ups, in which it was wrongfully compared to the smaller Nissan Frontier and Toyota Tacoma both of which had optional V6 engines that were the same or more powerful then the Dodge V8 in the Mitsu!

09-24-2008, 02:05 PM
In the ever changing automotive industries, Raider Industries is leading the way on product development of new trucks. Whatever you drive a new 2004 or 2008 this industry has product available for you. So I don't think that Raider will stop its manufacture.

10-07-2008, 01:29 AM
Is the raider like the Mitsubishi Triton in Australia and if so I am so upset that u guys get it so much cheaper

04-27-2009, 11:09 PM
the fact that its a foreign car hurts it some people prefer the dodge dakota because it is american made kinda a prejudice

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