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'lexus & angel eyes' for deawoo nexia

06-25-2006, 12:58 PM
hi there, im new here, and was after sum advice/help.

-im looking for 'lexus' style rea lamps & 'angel eye' style headlamps for my very standard and very boring deawoo nexia (the 1 that looks like an old vauxhall astra)(97-98)

- i have looked in the usual places, google search and ebay but im having no luck:shakehead

-are the haedlamps& rear lamps the same as another model, that are avaliable?
or even if it mean opening up my existing lamps and putting in angel eye ring bits (you know what i mea, lol)


11-29-2010, 08:49 AM
no idea regarding this

01-24-2011, 11:00 AM
In my opinion your old nexia is not as boring as you think! A have a 2004 Nexia (Here in Romania it was made until 2006 this model) and believe me I see all sort of guys having cheap angel eyes and cheap parts counter-made that don't fit the car to well and after a few months they loose all the glam!

If you find something don't go for too cheap items! :)

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