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2003 suburban cat. problem?

06-18-2006, 11:48 AM
Hello all,

after driving my 2003 suburban with engine at normal operating temp. after I park it there is a noticable popping noise that sounds like it is coming from the catalytic converter this noise continues until it cools down a bit. I've owned several chevy SUV/trucks and this is the first time I've encountered this type of noise. Has anyone else encountered this type of problem? Is it normal or is something wrong.

Thanks for all replies.


07-12-2006, 07:22 AM
Hi there! The noise you are hearing is the normal sounds associated with a stainless steel gas tank. The '03 Suburban is a "flex fuel" vehicle, and can handle E85 Ethanol gas as well as the regular fossilized stuff. To handle the more viscous E85, a flex-fuel system has to utilize a stainless steel tank to stave off corrosion. This causes a metallic pinging to occur as it cools.

Hope this helps!

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