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leaking brake fluid (help please)

05-29-2006, 07:43 AM
i have just bought myself a 1996 25dt range rover and i dont no a thing about them. it drives brill but i have noticed brake fluid leaking from what appears to be the back chassis near the o/s rear wheel.:disappoin can anyone suggest where it might be from. many thanks. squelley.:banghead:

09-22-2006, 03:46 AM
i have just bought myself a 1996 25dt range rover and i dont no a thing about them. it drives brill but i have noticed brake fluid leaking from what appears to be the back chassis near the o/s rear wheel.:disappoin can anyone suggest where it might be from. many thanks. squelley.:banghead:

The only way to find the leak is to get under there.

If you do need to replace fittings, they're probably metric with a 10x1mm thread on them.

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