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1996 Skylark water leak

02-04-2006, 07:10 PM
Newbie here. Have a 96 Skylark and the left front floor is getting soaked with water. Removed the windshield skuttle and everything is clean. Also removed the lower left side dash and water is comming in from somewhere up above. An aftermarket alarm was put in prior to my ownership and I sealed the leak made in the firewall, but that is not the total cause of the problem. Any common problems like this? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Geoff GoldsmithJon
03-16-2006, 04:03 PM
I have same problem and found another web site which said water comes in where steering column comes thru firewall and if you dig around under there you'll see it's likely rusted thru. I haven't investigated yet but plan to.

I am trying to locate the blinker unit under the dash cuz I need to replace it. but can't find it. (it's a 1 inch round silver thing that sort of acts like a fuse and makes the turn signals blink) Buick tells me it's under the center of the dash...somewhere. Any clue? Good luck

03-24-2006, 12:59 PM
I have a '97 Skylark also leaking on the front left side. The carpet was ruined so I pulled it, cleaned and replaced it new, so now I'm concerned that the tiny hole I found and epoxied isn't the whole problem. If anyone has a definite idea about where water comes from on these N-bodies, I SURE would appreciate it... thanks.

Anyway, the hole I plugged was in the firewall below the steering column where the floor meets the firewall. You'll have to pull back the carpeting and pull up a rubber firewall cover under the dash on the driver's side to get to it... it is not in plain view. The best way to patch it is on BOTH sides, inside AND outside, with epoxy and fiberglass patch.

Incidentally, you may also want to visit the Oldsmobile Achieva and Pontiac Grand Am forums. These vehicles along with the Buick Skylark are all GM "N-Body" cars which share chassis and engines, so it makes sense that we would find similar, if not exactly the same problems on those forums as well. I found this little water leak gem there on the Pontiac Grand Am forum...


04-02-2006, 07:40 PM
I have no idea about the water leak but the flasher thing I do..... If there is a cover blocking access to under your dash take it off..... it could be either in a bracket on the topside of the steering column or on top of the fuse box.... I had to replace mine a few months ago...took me forever to find it...be careful though when you pull the cover off.... one of the triggers for the airbag may be attached to the backside of the cover

10-11-2006, 10:22 PM
This is great! I have a '96 Buick Skylark with the same exact issue! I had my heater core replaced and now water like a pool in the passengers side and like a small stream on the drivers side.

does anyone know where i can get pictures of what the places that folks are talking about?


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