Wiper Cowl washer nozzles
02-04-2006, 12:26 AM
This is a super cool DIY. Cheap, easy, and looks b****in'. My personal favorite, and a MUST for anyone with an aftermarket hood. :cool:
- 3-way washer nozzles from kspec: http://kspec.com/list.php?ac_id=91&ai_id=1115
- Dremel tool
- Screwdrivers and Socket set
- Metal Coat Hanger
- Touch-up paint
- Plumbing peices pictured below next to the nozzles, available at any autoparts store:
Above parts are optional, as are the 3-way nozzles for that part. You can probably reuse the stock stuff, I just didnt have mine anymore and was forced to get the extra peices. Plus the nozzles are just too damn cool to pass up for 9 dollars shipped.
1. Remove wiper arms. One bolt is exposed, another is underneath a plastic cap you have to open up. Also remove the passenger side fender.
2. Take out 4 screws total holding the cowl peices down.
3. Make little marks where you would like to have the nozzles sticking out of the cowl. It is a good idea to make the driver side one right over top of one of the large holes beneath the cowl. Reduces the cutting you have to do.
4. Get a look from above to make sure it's even. The two inside marks are what you are looking at, I don't know what the deal is with that extra spot.
5. Take the cowls off and get to work with the dremel. You need to create a hole for the nozzles to stick in. They should look like this. Also take out that removable plastic vent peice in one of the openings on sheet metal.
6. Test fit both nozzles in the cowl and set up the two peices on the ground. You want to make sure the nozzles look even. Looks GREAT!
7. Put the passenger side cowl back on the car without the nozzle. Mark the area on the sheet metal exposed by the nozzle hole.
8. Take the cowl off. Cut an area out of the sheet metal with the dremel. File the edges, and then cover them with some touch-up paint so it doesn't rust.
9. Rip the exiting elbow out of its mount. Yes, I know the hood is chipped, shaddup.
10. Fish the hose through the hole pictured. It takes some time, but can be done. It helps if you are able to reach for it from the other side, by sticking your arm in the opening.
11. Connect the T to the end of the hose. Run hoses from each end with enough slack to get them out of the nozzle holes.
12. Connect the hoses to the nozzles and snap them in place.
13. Check out your awesome stealthy washer nozzles. It's also the perfect time to paint the wiper cowls. Glossy black is absolutely awesome looking.
14. You are not done though. One final step. It goes a bunch faster if you have someone in the car. Grab a sewing needle, and break off the tip with some pliers or something. You dont want it breaking off in the nozzles. Stick the needle in the nozzle holes and re-aim them. They are stuck in a certain position, but will click out and move all over the place with a little force. Adjust each individual nozzle so that they spray exactly where you want them to. This is where it would help to have someone else in the car. In the location I put the nozzles, I was able to aim them so that most of them shot well over the roof of the car, and far out to the sides. I would say that anywhere you put them on the cowls you will still be able to adjust them so that they spray the exact part of the windsheild you want them too.
Enjoy, I think it's an awesome mod. :fing02:
- 3-way washer nozzles from kspec: http://kspec.com/list.php?ac_id=91&ai_id=1115
- Dremel tool
- Screwdrivers and Socket set
- Metal Coat Hanger
- Touch-up paint
- Plumbing peices pictured below next to the nozzles, available at any autoparts store:
Above parts are optional, as are the 3-way nozzles for that part. You can probably reuse the stock stuff, I just didnt have mine anymore and was forced to get the extra peices. Plus the nozzles are just too damn cool to pass up for 9 dollars shipped.
1. Remove wiper arms. One bolt is exposed, another is underneath a plastic cap you have to open up. Also remove the passenger side fender.
2. Take out 4 screws total holding the cowl peices down.
3. Make little marks where you would like to have the nozzles sticking out of the cowl. It is a good idea to make the driver side one right over top of one of the large holes beneath the cowl. Reduces the cutting you have to do.
4. Get a look from above to make sure it's even. The two inside marks are what you are looking at, I don't know what the deal is with that extra spot.
5. Take the cowls off and get to work with the dremel. You need to create a hole for the nozzles to stick in. They should look like this. Also take out that removable plastic vent peice in one of the openings on sheet metal.
6. Test fit both nozzles in the cowl and set up the two peices on the ground. You want to make sure the nozzles look even. Looks GREAT!
7. Put the passenger side cowl back on the car without the nozzle. Mark the area on the sheet metal exposed by the nozzle hole.
8. Take the cowl off. Cut an area out of the sheet metal with the dremel. File the edges, and then cover them with some touch-up paint so it doesn't rust.
9. Rip the exiting elbow out of its mount. Yes, I know the hood is chipped, shaddup.
10. Fish the hose through the hole pictured. It takes some time, but can be done. It helps if you are able to reach for it from the other side, by sticking your arm in the opening.
11. Connect the T to the end of the hose. Run hoses from each end with enough slack to get them out of the nozzle holes.
12. Connect the hoses to the nozzles and snap them in place.
13. Check out your awesome stealthy washer nozzles. It's also the perfect time to paint the wiper cowls. Glossy black is absolutely awesome looking.
14. You are not done though. One final step. It goes a bunch faster if you have someone in the car. Grab a sewing needle, and break off the tip with some pliers or something. You dont want it breaking off in the nozzles. Stick the needle in the nozzle holes and re-aim them. They are stuck in a certain position, but will click out and move all over the place with a little force. Adjust each individual nozzle so that they spray exactly where you want them to. This is where it would help to have someone else in the car. In the location I put the nozzles, I was able to aim them so that most of them shot well over the roof of the car, and far out to the sides. I would say that anywhere you put them on the cowls you will still be able to adjust them so that they spray the exact part of the windsheild you want them too.
Enjoy, I think it's an awesome mod. :fing02:
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