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01-21-2006, 11:47 PM

01-29-2006, 09:04 PM
YOu may have the same thing as I do and that's called either ADD or ADHD either way I have both and it's when you can't keep your attention on one thing for a certain amount of time. ADD is Attention Deficiet Disorder and ADHD is Attention Deficiet Hyperactive Disorder the same thing as ADD the only thing is with the ADHD is you show sighns of hyperactivity at unnecessary times and ADD is when you just can't keep your concentration on anyone topic longer than like 10 minutes or so, believe me I've spent 5 years of my life investigating ADD, ADHD, OCD, and depression and I'm not even wanting to be a psycholicigist I just want to learn more about myself. So I may just know what I'm talking about. Seriously do a Google search on any of these three (in your case it sounds like ADD not ADHD but you didn't mention any restless fidgeting either) and if so (I'm not trying to sound funny here) I'd recommend you to some sort of mental and emotional evaluation.

I hope you do get some help because before I got my evaluation I was a mental and emotional wreck, and last but sure as hell not least I DO wish you the best of luck.

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