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is there any concept art?

Mr Roboto
08-06-2001, 09:01 PM
Is there anything behind this car other then the name? or was it actually planned out?

08-06-2001, 09:24 PM

That's the only pic I've been able to find. Apparently it's supposed to have gullwing doors, about 280 hp, 1500 lbs, $20,000.

02-07-2002, 08:31 PM
Actually, I think the name hurts the car. I don't think anyone would buy a car made by DMC... unless it just blew everything away!

02-07-2002, 08:32 PM
John Z. DeLorean. He was the head man at GM for two decades. He invented the ultimate muscle car (GTO). He led Pontiac and Chevy into the muscle car era. The man knows his stuff!!!

The concept behind the DMC(squared) is solid. Decease wind resistance and install an advanced engine. Manufacture the car modularly in a third-world country (so that the natives' lack of intelligence wouldn't affect build quality). The idea would work... if it wasn't for his rep AFTER the muscle car era.

But who knows...

02-07-2002, 08:35 PM

Looks like a car from Back to the Future part 2.

02-22-2002, 02:12 AM
Ok, there are two versions of the new Delorean.

The first is the ultra-mega-cool version with a 13liter (yes, that's 13liters)V12, which is what the concept art car is supposed to have. This car is supposedly 85% complete.

The second version is an "affordable" version boasting a weight between 1400-1500lbs, mid-engine producting 250-270hp, with gull wing doors, and all that for under $30,000!

I got all this from http://www.deloreantime.com

06-01-2002, 03:19 PM
I still don't believe they are making another Delorean... It smacks of more cokery to me :)

I would also have to say that the COPO ZL-1 Nova is the ultimate muscle car... although I would rather have a 1964 Royal Bobcat GTO, with the 421 super duty motor...

06-10-2002, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by Cbass
the COPO ZL-1 Nova is the ultimate muscle car..

Post a pic...

06-10-2002, 10:00 PM
It will cost close to one million dollars and will be powered by a 1250 horsepower engine!

HAHAHAHAHA, just get an f-1 car

06-14-2002, 05:22 PM
The U.S. street-legal car I'd like to have is the McClaren F1. This car is similar to what is being proposed (at leat in terms of performance and weight).

However, the Ultima GTR is just as fast (if not faster) than the F1... but costs only $80K or so. I think I'd take that, if not both since I'm speaking theoretically here.:D

08-23-2002, 04:00 PM
I have been hearing rumors about a new delorean for years, i think car and driver even had an aritilce on it, but im not sure. I hope Mr. Delorean does make another car, if its anything like the first, ill be getting one

11-23-2002, 04:18 AM
Originally posted by Marc-OS
[B]Ok, there are two versions of the new Delorean.

The first is the ultra-mega-cool version with a 13liter (yes, that's 13liters)V12, which is what the concept art car is supposed to have. This car is supposedly 85% complete.

13000cc.... That just doesn't sound right...

12-24-2002, 08:33 PM
Originally posted by ArtemisEntreriR34
13000cc.... That just doesn't sound right...
Yeah, it doesn't seem right (or even logical). With the right tuning and equipment, one can get enough HP out of a 4 cylinder H22A Honda engine! GM has an 8 litre engine in some of their new pickups, so I don't image 13 litres being too difficult...

02-18-2003, 09:57 AM
They could start with GM's XV16 engine. 16 cylenders, with 1000hp and 1000lb ft of torque. A few modifications could be made, and it could work.

06-30-2003, 06:38 PM
Originally posted by tman2093
They could start with GM's XV16 engine. 16 cylenders, with 1000hp and 1000lb ft of torque. A few modifications could be made, and it could work.
Interesting choice! I'm not sure GM would cooperate with DeLorean, though. JZD snubbed them way back in the 70's, and it was rumored that GM execs were partly responsible for the demise of DMC:eek:

06-30-2003, 08:20 PM
Maybe if GM adds Delorean as a division, but then you would be getting a rebadged W-body as your "new" DMC12.

cusky ss
07-06-2003, 10:00 PM
ok ive always loved the d's, i even drove one at my old job, but i dont hope for another one to be produced, it could take away from the original, and it seems that many people get them mixed up with the bricklen, and that gets me angry

10-14-2003, 12:03 PM
why don't any of the links for the new cars work? I also went to Tamir's site and none of the pics work. whats the deal?

10-14-2003, 04:58 PM
why don't any of the links for the new cars work? I also went to Tamir's site and none of the pics work. whats the deal?
The site that was hosting them must be down either temporarily, or for good.

03-31-2004, 04:59 PM
deloreans rule.. i so want one once there was one at a repair shop by my house i spent three hours walking around until a mechanic asked if i needed any help.

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