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Information Technology

01-18-2006, 01:34 PM
My name is Michael Barnwell and I am a freshman IT major at the University of Central Florida. I couldn't help but notice that some of our moderaters are currently employed in this field.
I would appreciate from you guys any information that can be useful to set myself apart from the rest. Additionally, is their anything you wish you would've done while you were in college that you wouldn't mind telling me? Any other general pointers, from find a new major or get certified is greatly appreciated.


01-18-2006, 04:04 PM
the college degree will help you a lot, but consider getting some certifications before you join the workforce, like a novell CNE, or a unix system admin cert, MCSE. what kind of degree are you pursuing. frankly i would major in business with a minor in computer science but still get the certs. most businesses are looking for someone who knows what needs to be to help the business as far as IT, and if you want to make the big bucks, that is very important.

01-19-2006, 04:51 PM
I'm currently in my second semester for the Bachlor in IT but, I see your point on the Business degree with the minor in Computer Science and I'm talking to my advisor about that.

01-19-2006, 05:12 PM
nowadays, the key is diversity. whereas most people 30 years ago thought theyd be a doctor the rest of their life or an engineer, most people will change several times.

when i eventually go back to school (i have a really good IT job now around 40k/yr for basic networking/helpdesk) i will get my major in architecture and a minor in management. that way if one career goes bad, you can still fall on the other.

01-20-2006, 07:11 AM
I have an advanced business IT degree (MS MIS). If I could do something differently, it would have been to get some (any) work experience in the field before I graduated. It took over two years working in a thankless job that paid very little to finally land a good job. Now I am paid average for my degree/experience. So the point is, start working as soon as you can.

01-23-2006, 09:47 PM
Well I'm a high school student but I think I may be able to help on this one. I actually work in the IT industry at the local public library doing a form of apprenticeship (it's through school and it's paid :D). What got them really looking at me during the job interviews was my MOUS cert in Word :D Yeah just word right now. I'd say get the basic MOUS certs in Word, Excel, Access, and Powerpoint. A+, Network+, and CCNA are always good to have. It really depends on what you want to do. If you want to be a system admin then go for those certs or if you want to be a computer technician make sure to get the A+.

01-24-2006, 05:14 AM
18 months into a uni degree (failing), I walked straight into the door to a business traineeship, with a focus on IT. Today 2 years later I'm submitting my resume for a 40k network admin, desktop support job that I have a chance in getting because a mate from uni who is already working there asked me to apply :)

(I've since completed a cert IV in business, and want to go back to uni to study a Bachelor of Business Administration.)

01-24-2006, 06:31 AM
its actually funny that so many people ive met and work with, never went to college for IT or completed college period. my super boss who just got promoted to CIO only finished up an associates degree in cnc programming. now he makes over 500k plus bonuses.

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