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Hooking up a system

01-05-2006, 11:05 PM
Hey, I have a 96 Jeep Cherokee... and I have been wanting to put a (Speaker/Subwoofer) system in my jeep for a couple weeks now. I tried running the wires under the interior and stuff earlier when it wasnt so cold, but I found out that I MAY have to drill a hole in the firewall. I also had another problem, I was trying to get some wires up through the dash to the back of the CD player, but everything under the dash is compact and I cant seem to find a way to get the wires up there. If anyone has any ideas on what I should do, let me know please. Thanks!!

See ya in the mudholes! ;)

01-06-2006, 12:10 AM
What do you need a hole in the firewall for?

Did you remove the CD/Radio? If you did, try using a wire coat hanger. Untwist it and straighten it out . Bend one end over into a small "hook". You should be able to snake it through the cd opening and out under the dash. Then tape the wires onto the hook and carefully pull the hanger back out. Place a strong flashlight under the dash aimed at the back of the CD so you can "go towards the light".

01-06-2006, 12:08 PM
You have a few options on how to hook up the stereo. The coat hanger and flashlight idea is the best one for getting the RCA cables and the amp remote wire up to the back of the head unit. The hole that they are referring to is for the amp power wire to go through the firewall to make it a more professional look. The easiest and professional way to do that is to go to a store that deals with car stereos like circuit city or electronic express or such and talk the the car installers about getting a firewall bushing for the appropriate size wire. Then the best way is to run the cable through the firewall on the passenger side as there is less in the passenger area going through it to interfere with the work. Just pull off the lower dash panel and pull the carpet back some but be very careful where you drill the hole as to not drill through something on the other side of the firewall. Then the easiest way to run cables is along the bottom corners under the carpet which only require removing the plastic at the bottom of the door opening and pushing the carpet back a couple of inches. If you want proffessional then that would require removing almost the entire insides of the jeep(all seats and carpet) so as to run it that way but stay away from the hump in the middle as the heat from the transmission will burn through the insulation on the wiring and short it out. If you need any more help just let me know and I'll be happy to help you how I can.

01-06-2006, 12:29 PM
You have a few options on how to hook up the stereo. The coat hanger and flashlight idea is the best one for getting the RCA cables and the amp remote wire up to the back of the head unit. The hole that they are referring to is for the amp power wire to go through the firewall to make it a more professional look. The easiest and professional way to do that is to go to a store that deals with car stereos like circuit city or electronic express or such and talk the the car installers about getting a firewall bushing for the appropriate size wire. Then the best way is to run the cable through the firewall on the passenger side as there is less in the passenger area going through it to interfere with the work. Just pull off the lower dash panel and pull the carpet back some but be very careful where you drill the hole as to not drill through something on the other side of the firewall. Then the easiest way to run cables is along the bottom corners under the carpet which only require removing the plastic at the bottom of the door opening and pushing the carpet back a couple of inches. If you want proffessional then that would require removing almost the entire insides of the jeep(all seats and carpet) so as to run it that way but stay away from the hump in the middle as the heat from the transmission will burn through the insulation on the wiring and short it out. If you need any more help just let me know and I'll be happy to help you how I can.

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