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Vacuum Hoses on 4.3 TBI replacement

12-26-2005, 11:13 PM
Vehicle: 92 TBI 4x4

Problem: Failed emissions and no 4x4.

So, I started in a likely place. Replacing the vacuum hoses.

Step one, replace the main hose. 7/32" , about 1 foot


Here the 7/32" line goes into a series of splitters(arrows)

Next you will use 5/32" hose. Replace the line to the vacuum ball. Just follow the hose route and replace.

Warning: be careful pulling all connections as you could break the plastic fitting. I suggest slitting hose.



Next replace the hose to this item? anyone know what it is?



All right. Now for the fun part! Replacing the transfer case lines.

Start by jacking up the truck and locating the vacuum connection on top of the transfer case.


Pull the fitting out. The easiest way to pull the lines of is to slip it over the top of the case so you have some slack to work with. Remember to slit the lines to pull them off. And mark which line is which.


Now you must pull the old lines and run the new. The area where the old lines ran up the fire wall is very tight and I couldn't pull the new line through with the old one , so I just ran it in a new location. I used a piece of tie wire taped
to the line to pull them down from the engine compartment.



The old lines ran on the other side of the tranny dipstick tube.

Here they are sticking out in the engine bay.


Now just reconnect them and you are done.

One connection is here:

The other is under the battery.

I need toi go back and replace the vent hoses, but I didn't by enough 7/32 hose.

12-26-2005, 11:24 PM
Well if you do that and put them pics up here im gonna vote either for a sticky or into the FAQ section.There is so much talk on this board of vacuum lines and everything that this will help lots of people.Very nice job and i want this stickied/FAQ when the rest is finished.

12-28-2005, 01:19 PM
bump some guys might need to see this

Army Veteran
05-24-2011, 04:12 PM
Hey bro I think the item you are trying to idenify is something to do with the cruise control

06-02-2011, 09:05 PM
Nice post. That is the cruise control servo.

08-01-2011, 02:41 PM
Thanks for the post. I have a 95 2-wheel drive and my vacuum ball is mounted to the hood on the driver's side near the firewall. Out of ball is a hose then a splitter, one of the hoses connected to the splitter broke and I can't find the rest of the hose. My A/C blower won't blow throught the vents (it only blows through defrost and floor. I know it is because of this vacuum hose but I can't find where it is. It must go from the splitter below the vacuum ball to the blower door control but I can't find it. Does anybody know where the hose comes through the firewall to the controls? For now, I put a screw into the hose to plug the vacuum until I can find where it connects to so I can have A/C blowing through the vents straight out at me. Thanks.

08-01-2011, 05:02 PM
I'm attaching some pictures so perhaps someone can help me.
Thanks for the post. I have a 95 2-wheel drive and my vacuum ball is mounted to the hood on the driver's side near the firewall. Out of ball is a hose then a splitter, one of the hoses connected to the splitter broke and I can't find the rest of the hose. My A/C blower won't blow throught the vents (it only blows through defrost and floor. I know it is because of this vacuum hose but I can't find where it is. It must go from the splitter below the vacuum ball to the blower door control but I can't find it. Does anybody know where the hose comes through the firewall to the controls? For now, I put a screw into the hose to plug the vacuum until I can find where it connects to so I can have A/C blowing through the vents straight out at me. Thanks.
I used a wire to hold it up so it can be seen easier in the pics. At the bottom of the black vacuum line (below the 'T')is an orange-ish colored coupling that must go to the vacuum line that controls the door for the A/C vents. Where is the black vacuum hose, or where should it be?? Thanks.

08-01-2011, 08:44 PM
It, the vacuum hose, had fallen down under the alarm horn. Vents blowing again. I'm still curious as to where it goes through the firewall.

Army Veteran
08-01-2011, 09:16 PM
Hey everyone there is also a vacuum line under the battery holder.
ALso found out what my problem was with my S-10 I guess my father being 72 and all tried to time it and did not disconnect the electronic advance behind the glove box when he did time it it was 3 degrees retarded re timed and she is running like a top when warmed up. Cold is a different story my mechanic is putting it on the scanner tomorrow morning I will post the results so someone may be able to get help from my pain :biggrin:

08-17-2011, 01:56 PM
On my 99 model the vacuum hose connects to a nipple sticking out of the wiring harness. I think that is how the vacuum is delivered to the inside for your heater controls.

Army Veteran
08-18-2011, 11:45 AM
Hey everyone
My mechanic forund something very interesting and I want to get some feedback from the group.
He found somewhere that there was a recall on the PROM chip in the computer from chip #16122488 to 16147593 The chevy dealer in tucson has no record of this recall but there is a updated chip I found on Ebay has anyone else heard anything about this update

08-18-2011, 01:02 PM
Hey everyone
My mechanic forund something very interesting and I want to get some feedback from the group.
He found somewhere that there was a recall on the PROM chip in the computer from chip #16122488 to 16147593 The chevy dealer in tucson has no record of this recall but there is a updated chip I found on Ebay has anyone else heard anything about this update

This post is on vacumn lines.

Best for you to start your on post with the NEW THREAD BUTTON.
And give all info year and make and model and computer no.
Also Old prom ID no.
Is it giving any problems?
Never heard of a recall on them But.
There is a lot of prom updates but usually for certain problems.

Army Veteran
08-19-2011, 01:04 AM
ok sorry

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