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$300 for what?

12-26-2005, 03:57 PM
I have just got some money for christmas and it totals up to be about 300 bucks. What would you guys recomend i get for my car. I want to focus on power for this upgrade (i know 300 dollars wont buy you a huge increase in power but i at least want to be able to feel it). So any recomendations would be greatly appreciated.

12-26-2005, 07:45 PM
get some crower 402s

12-27-2005, 06:04 AM
cams could be good

12-27-2005, 08:56 AM
actually the stage 2 will require valvetrain upgrades so nvm that get the 401s

12-27-2005, 07:20 PM
save it for something bigger in the future....

12-28-2005, 12:32 AM
I have just got some money for christmas and it totals up to be about 300 bucks. What would you guys recomend i get for my car. .

A savings acount at your bank... seriously I would just save the money. In my experience its not worth hooking up your daily driver while you are young, just save it all and when you are older and have a good job get a nice project car. you'll thank me when your older. But if you really have your heart ste on more power for 300, I dunno maybe cams like mentioned above, but I think I would opt for waiting till it was a slightly bigger sum and then buy something.

12-28-2005, 01:47 AM
A savings acount at your bank... seriously I would just save the money. In my experience its not worth hooking up your daily driver while you are young, just save it all and when you are older and have a good job get a nice project car. you'll thank me when your older. But if you really have your heart ste on more power for 300, I dunno maybe cams like mentioned above, but I think I would opt for waiting till it was a slightly bigger sum and then buy something.

I'm dumping money into my GSR like mad right now and i'm only 18 for the moment....boost isn't cheap :devil:

12-28-2005, 03:09 AM
A savings acount at your bank... seriously I would just save the money. In my experience its not worth hooking up your daily driver while you are young, just save it all and when you are older and have a good job get a nice project car. you'll thank me when your older. But if you really have your heart ste on more power for 300, I dunno maybe cams like mentioned above, but I think I would opt for waiting till it was a slightly bigger sum and then buy something.

Honestly i would save it and use it for gas money or somthing. But it is in the form of gift certificates sooo... that puts a damper on things.... I was thinking maybe some CTR cams, maybe the store will have them used. Thanks for the advice all.

12-28-2005, 03:52 PM
Honestly i would save it and use it for gas money or somthing. But it is in the form of gift certificates sooo... that puts a damper on things.... I was thinking maybe some CTR cams, maybe the store will have them used. Thanks for the advice all.

well if its a gift certificate then i suppose you are forced to upgrade haha. Though i'm sure nobody has to twist you arm.

Eh I wish I could fix up my teg because she's dying before my eyes but i'm trying to save up for a house soooo every little bit I spend takes away from that on me... Only reason I say save is because I look at all the useless audio equipment I have in my closet and I regret buying most of it for the car, not to mention the rims etc. that are all sitting in my closet. All that money saved would have been a life saver at this point in my life haha.

01-02-2006, 02:16 AM
Yeah, i will probably kick my self in the ass in a few years but hey, what the hell. haha

01-03-2006, 02:35 AM
So i ended up buying a CTR intake cam shaft. Before install i want to save money for the exhaust cam (poor college kid, this will probably be a minor project in a couple months), and some skunk2 titainum cam sprockets. The guy at Speed Concept said they where the best thing out right now. is that right? has anyone heard good/bad things about these bad boys? at 100 bucks a pop i want to make sure they are not total crap.

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