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How do I get rid of this ???

12-21-2005, 01:37 PM
As I am tooling along on the internet going from site to site, or checking one of my various email accounts, a pop up window appears. It is titled, "Internet Explorer Script error." The text of the window says," An error has occured in the script on this page.'' It then gives me the line, character, error- which says 'invalid character',code and URL. It then asks me if I want to continue running scripts on this page, to which I always click yes as a quick way of getting rid of the window. This has happened in the past about every other month or so. It lasts a few days then disappears. This time I'd really like to fix the problem if possible and know how to do it if it happens again in the future. Does anybody know why this happens and how to fix it? Thank you.

12-26-2005, 10:51 PM
sounds like spyware, its trying to display something, but the code is messed up,

try using an anti-spyware solution like spysweeper/ past patrol, hell even spybot.

should find it and get rid of it.

12-26-2005, 11:43 PM
sounds like spyware, its trying to display something, but the code is messed up,

try using an anti-spyware solution like spysweeper/ past patrol, hell even spybot.

should find it and get rid of it.
I'll try that the next time it pops up, as it has once again disappeared . I'm still having trouble downloading updates from Spybot, even with the new version 1.4 that I just downloaded. I've even tried to use a mirror location and still get the error message "bad checksum!!!" I'll keep trying back every so often in hopes they were able to add new servers to correct the problem they are having.

12-27-2005, 06:30 AM
the soybot issue is annoying. i suggest doing it now, it will still find it if it is there. but if not, run it again if it does pop up

Gohan Ryu
12-27-2005, 03:20 PM
Before you start chasing down spyware try this:

Start Internet Explorer and click the "Tools" drop down menu. Select "Internet Options" then click the "Advanced" tab (on top). Put a check mark next to the box that says "Disable Script Debugging (Internet Explorer)" and another check mark next to the box that says "Disable Script Debugging (Other)". You won't see that annoying pop-up window anymore, and most likely the webpage will work just fine even with the errors. It's usually a poorly coded webpage that causes the error.

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