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Saab J35 Draken

11-26-2005, 01:38 PM
...that it's a SAAB and has five wheels just like it's more earthbound cousins.
Built a J35 Draken (Dragon) as a slammer due to the total abscense off anything resembling an interior...well, it had a seat and a pilot but that was just about it.
A bit left to do before it's finished and when that time comes I will stick a chromed pin up it's a** and put it on display on the table.
The cluttered background shows that I haven't gone very far off the beaten track :grinno:
This was something off a major flashback as the kit is dated to '71 or
'72 and I built one back then as a very young boy.



11-26-2005, 02:13 PM
Looking sharp Niclas, sick paintjob, but where are the five wheels? j/k
Best S*AB ever.

Get `er done!

11-26-2005, 02:50 PM
Cool looking jet. We need more Saab car kits.

11-26-2005, 07:25 PM
Super. I remember building a Draken when I was a young boy too. The Swedes build some awesome off-the-wall aircraft designs.

11-27-2005, 02:16 PM
How did you paint the camouflage on? Airbrush, I presume?

11-27-2005, 03:36 PM
Thank's guys!
The camo is painted by airbrush using a masking template made by the instruction sheet and the digi-cam.
Then it was an easy task to trace it on to the masking tape and cut it out. I went a bit deep in some areas, this can be seen as a lighter fine line between the two colours in the camo. But hey, I don't aim very high when I build these flying things so I'm pleased with the outcome so far.
Just have to wrap the last little pieces up and then put it on display.
I hid the wheels so you wouldn't find them j/k Did you know that there was a fourth set of landing gear in the back of the Draken? Kind of a over sized skateboard truck so they wouldn't drag the back of the fuselage in the ground.
Looks like this in real life and it's in the hump you can see underneath the fuselage at the back.


07-23-2006, 07:31 AM
Good job Niclas! The paintjob is awesome.


05-03-2007, 04:43 AM
Hej Niclas!
Har du förslag på hur man kan nå ut till modellbyggare med den här typen av information?

Jobbtips till modellbyggare

Carbonia Composites (Malmö) söker modellbyggare som exempelvis bygger bilar, båtar, flygplan i det stora eller lilla formatet. Just nu söker de en Tillverkningstekniker, men kommer sannolikt att tillsätta ytterligare tjänster inom kort.

Carbonia tillverkar produkter i kolfiberkompositer – ett material som används i extrema sammanhang inom bl a rymd, flyg, kommunikation, medicinteknik, sport och fritid.

De lägger stor vikt vid ”noggrannhet, kvalitetsmedvetenhet, känsla för detaljer och att du kan arbeta under stor frihet med eget ansvar”. En profil som stämmer överens med de flesta modellbyggare, eller hur?

Läs mer om tjänsten: http://platsbanken.ams.se/text/32/070424,170040,140903,11,1201750132.shtml (http://platsbanken.ams.se/text/32/070424,170040,140903,11,1201750132.shtml)
Läs mer om företaget: www.carbonia.se (http://www.carbonia.se/).
Kontakta Tobias Blomberg 040-370 870 eller tobias@carbonia.se (tobias@carbonia.se) och anmäl dig ovanstående eller kommande tjänster.

Tipsa gärna andra modellbyggare om Carbonia och tjänsterna.

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