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Heather, i am freezing

10-29-2005, 10:43 PM
Hello all
I am freezing in my lovely 1993 range rover 4.2 my heather is not working, I took it to mechanic they said I need to change” Blower Motor Resistor” I agreed if they can change it but after one day they call me back to tell me they couldn’t locate where the Blower Motor Resistor location in the car.
Please help any body who knows about this problem

Thank You

11-03-2005, 03:15 AM
I know on the Rover 200 series, it's located behind the glove box but all you should have to do is find the pipework behind the dash for the air vents, trace it back and you will find the motor. It should be there. Sounds a bit odd that a mechanic can't find it.

I should be popping in to a breakers today so will see if there is a RR in that I can look at.

11-16-2005, 06:22 PM
I know on the Rover 200 series, it's located behind the glove box but all you should have to do is find the pipework behind the dash for the air vents, trace it back and you will find the motor. It should be there. Sounds a bit odd that a mechanic can't find it.

I should be popping in to a breakers today so will see if there is a RR in that I can look at.

i am just cheking if you find any thing new, still i couldn't find it and i took it to PepBoys, they couldn't find it to

11-17-2005, 12:47 PM
I checked at the breakers, the Discovery has it behind the glove box on the passenger side. There was a Range Rover there too but it was completely burnt out and the dash was just a pile of melted plastic so I couldn't investigate further on that one.

11-19-2005, 07:16 PM
I checked at the breakers, the Discovery has it behind the glove box on the passenger side. There was a Range Rover there too but it was completely burnt out and the dash was just a pile of melted plastic so I couldn't investigate further on that one.

thank you very much you are very helpful person, i will open the glove box and the dasbord completely and i will let you know.
thank you.

11-20-2005, 03:49 AM
You'll probably find it if you take the glove box out completely. It's one of the only places they can hide the motor for the fan other than in the enghine bay. Taking the glove box out completely will let you see where the pipe work runs from the air vents. There should be a big, usually circular, thing behind there that says something like motor, air conditioner or similar. Once you find that, your looking for a rectangular section on it with 4 screws usually. Undo and remove the rectangular section and on the other side of it are the resistors that look just like springs, or thin metal wound in a coil. If the fans wont work on any speed, chances are all the coils have broken. Come to think of it, did all speeds fail at once? seems a bit odd that they would all fail at once, have you checked the fuses?

11-20-2005, 04:10 AM
Just found this on a web site that may be your answer. I think it refers to a left hand drive car, so depending on what you have, follow the instructions or reverse sided:

http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.jpurnell.com/RR/Dermot/RR_Gauges.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.jpurnell.com/RR/default.htm&h=600&w=800&sz=29&tbnid=q1fQmpZfNUgJ:&tbnh=106&tbnw=142&hl=en&start=1&prev=/images%3Fq%3Drange%2Brover%2Bresistor%2B%26svnum%3 D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26safe%3Doff

12-13-2005, 07:48 PM
You'll probably find it if you take the glove box out completely. It's one of the only places they can hide the motor for the fan other than in the enghine bay. Taking the glove box out completely will let you see where the pipe work runs from the air vents. There should be a big, usually circular, thing behind there that says something like motor, air conditioner or similar. Once you find that, your looking for a rectangular section on it with 4 screws usually. Undo and remove the rectangular section and on the other side of it are the resistors that look just like springs, or thin metal wound in a coil. If the fans wont work on any speed, chances are all the coils have broken. Come to think of it, did all speeds fail at once? seems a bit odd that they would all fail at once, have you checked the fuses?


i found the resistor out side the car, inside the air intake located under the windshield it's so funy after all this time. but the plug still inside the car so i need to open the glove box every thing inside the car(dashbord, radio, fuse box, frame, et.al) to unplug the old resistor i am waiting a good warm day to do it if i get it. also i ordered the resistor from ATLANTIC BRITISH LTD. for under $ 60.00 they made it here but it looks diifrent when you see it.
thank you

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