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10-19-2005, 09:21 AM
any one here know about stoping headlights from making an obnoxious clicking sound when you turn them off... i thought it might be the headlight motor cause they go up ok. but when they go down they click for about 5 sec. as if they were still trying to go down. can anyone help me with this problem its imbarassing.

10-19-2005, 10:46 AM
See the post above called "How to: fix that darn headlight motor." That'll tell you what you need to do. It's the same procedure as if it was completely broken.

10-27-2005, 06:27 PM
You know i have the same problem with my headlights. They just started doing that after I bought the car.(its a 94) If you already did that procedure let me know if it worked

10-28-2005, 07:23 AM
Yes, it will work. I've seen it documented the same way other places. It's the same procedure for the Corvette headlights, and Fiero headlights. Google for those and you should find the same. My brother has had his apart (he's got an '89 Formula) and has fixed both. You need to be VERY careful, as that post says, when taking the screw out between the big round piece and the longer "shaft" piece. I would SOAK the screws in WD-40 for hours before trying to remove those screws!! They are small/weak and can break - then you're in a bind.... well, I think you'll be in need of another motor and starting over. :banghead:

Eckler's (parts for Corvettes) sells a set of bushing to go into the motor to replace what has desintegrated. Here's that link. This is what my brother used and I've got two sets here at the house for when I muster the courage to do my own... http://www.ecklers.com/product.asp?dept_id=1476&pf_id=29304

I've not done this on my car yet. She's a garage queen, so she doesn't get driven at night anyhow. Oh... and I'm scared to try it, too. hahahaha

Good luck!

11-04-2005, 08:08 PM
I have this problem also; if anyone has actually done this (By the way, it says for 3rd gen, is it same procedure for 4th gen?) and it works, please let me know any other hints/tips. I only drive in darkness due to work, so I want to make sure I can do this before I take it upon myself to blindly try and end up driving without headlights. Thanks!

11-09-2005, 01:57 PM
Yeh Read The Sticky Thread At The Top Of The Main Firebird Page On How To Replace The Darn Headlight Clicking...

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