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1994 3000gt SL vs. 2000 Subaru Impreza RS

10-01-2005, 09:12 PM
Alright, I have a friend who has a 2.5 Impreza RS. He thinks he can beat anything... (seriously, even a WRX STI on the back roads...) He tells everyone he will dust me. He still is the man though, very very smart when it comes to cars and fixing things, anyway...

3000gt - Downpipe, Random Tech. high flow cat, Borla cat back exhaust, intake, venom chip, and... rims/new falken tires (if that matters to people.)

2.5 RS - Intake

So, yup. Anyone? ALSO... my friend has a 97 Integra GS-R. 2.5 thinks he can beat that too. The integra has, aem cold air intake, comptech exhaust, random tech. high flow cat, DC SPorts 4-2-1 headers, rims and tires (again, if that matters) NGK Iridium plugs (if that matters either).

Ok, anyone?????? Post what you think. THANKS

10-01-2005, 10:01 PM
Should be a decent race although with your mods I think you'll beat him, and the GS-R shouldn't have too much trouble with it, but I will say that those Impreza 2.5s are faster than most people think.

10-02-2005, 12:48 AM
Both the SL and GS-R should be able to take out the 2.5 RS in a drag race. The 2.5 RS is not meant for straight-line racing; all-wheel-drive is more of a liability than a benefit unless you're in a high enough horsepower class to take advantage of its superior launching ability.

10-02-2005, 12:58 AM
Both the SL and GS-R should be able to take out the 2.5 RS in a drag race. The 2.5 RS is not meant for straight-line racing; all-wheel-drive is more of a liability than a benefit unless you're in a high enough horsepower class to take advantage of its superior launching ability.

It's true, that thing can handle. My friends Integra has a $1500 suspension though, soo... I think he would have him on any other type of racing (except rally obviously) Friends say that his car has "no pull" when they ride in it, and are surprisingly dissapointed, considering what a nice car it really is.

10-11-2005, 08:10 PM
Everybody thinks that their vehicle is unbeatable and the fastest unitil they get passed by a 10 year old Escort Cosworth RS.

10-12-2005, 05:40 PM
That said, the RS's acceleration isn't quite as lively as we might have expected based on its size and engine power. The discrepancy might be explained by gearing, or by the character of the boxer engine. There's plenty of acceleration-producing torque in the middle of the power band, yet the engine is weak at very low rpm, and it runs out of steam well before its 6200-rpm redline. Gear ratios also contribute. While most cars will reach 60 mph in second gear, the Impreza RS requires an upshift to third just past 50 mph, adding as much as 0.4 second to the O-60 times. Although the RS has shorter throws than a standard Impreza, its shifter isn't the world's most precise, and it's fairly easy to miss a gear in the heat of a spirited drive. Yet overall, with its fat power band in the middle of the rev range, the Impreza RS is more responsive, and more entertaining, than a host of other subcompact automobiles.

stock for stock they would be a good race
a modded 3kgt vs a basicly stock rs, the 3kgt should pull out the win

10-13-2005, 07:54 PM
If i had to put $$ on it i would def go with the bishi

10-13-2005, 11:01 PM
Horsepower: 165 @ 5600 rpm
Torque: 166 @ 4000 rpm
2825 lbs

Horsepower:222 @ 6000 rpm
Torque:205 @ 4500 RPM
3351 lbs

And with your mod to the wheel, it about 180hp...
you have a better chance of winning
RS :loser:

10-15-2005, 12:10 AM
im prety sure that the 3000GT would win, not off the line but the RS Impreza's dont pull very hard, and with intake and exhaust the 3000GT would most likely win.

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