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Need Help

09-21-2005, 07:47 AM
Need to know how to replace timing belt and line up timing marks for a 1992 Plymouth Acclaim 3.0L.

09-21-2005, 11:58 AM
Your best bet will be to go to the library and check out/photocopy the section from either the Haynes or Chilton repair manual. Or, go to the auto parts store and buy one, about $15. Nice photos and step by step instructions. Good luck.

09-21-2005, 11:52 PM
baumbr is right, but just to give you a heads up, you've got a lot of work on your hands, it's best to accomplish the job w/ air tools. First, you'll need to take off your RF tire and inner splash shield, jack up your motor and remove the right motor mount, take off all your drive belts, unbolt your power steering pump, A/C compressor, and the screws that hold the timing belt cover, the screws are of different lengths so make sure they go back in the right spots. The crank pulley is a two-piece design held in place by (6) 10mm screws. Then remove the vibration damper bolt and you can take the damper off by hand by pulling hard or getting a prybar behind it and pulling. That's just the remove procedure to get to the timing belt, there's much more and that manual will tell you the rest.

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