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color matching funnies

05-08-2002, 04:28 PM
I was driving on my way back to my office today during lunch and saw this guy in a 4 door dark green neon. He had it lowered with some nice rims, 2nd gen altezzas, a nice aluminum wing, and blue nozzle lights on as he got closer... this is what was really funny.. the door handles were bleached white... I'm trying to figure out what it matched.. Nothing on his car was white... maybe it was primer or something.. anyways it made me laugh.


05-31-2002, 09:20 AM
That is funny!I see that daily though,not door handles as much,but people with these led windshield washer lights.I see them on the worst looking cars.People dont care what their cars look like anymore.I see a green car with red lights,red car with blue!Its horrible.My car is white I can put just about any color and do fine.Right now I have blue on mine,but I should receive my Dilate yellow ones today.When will they learn?????:confused:

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