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Hyundai Trajet Auto TD Fuel reports

04-28-2002, 07:02 AM
I have had a Hyundai Trajet td auto people carrier for about 2 months now and the fuel figurs in the brochures do not relate to the manufactures figures. They state that you could expect 40 mpg extra urban journeys, The nearest I can get taking it steady is twenty nine or a lot worse if i give it full throtle around 20 or less. Has anyone else had the same trouble with ther expected fuel bills. Has any one else had a Hyundia diesel petrol normal box or auto. What where your feelings on them good or bad, where they any better than Mine. Please let me know

06-24-2003, 07:29 PM
Fuel figures are set by the Govt. in the Uk so hyundai cant really be accused of posting false figures. My trajet is manual , brand new and like yours doesnt match the fuel figures.
I achieved 28 on a long run and recently only got as high as 37 (48 listed). Its a heavy wagon at 2 tons with only a 2 litre so this may have something to do with it. My Volvo was well down on mpg compared with the published figures. Whos kidding who? Cheers Nige

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