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Why is this forum not more active?

06-13-2005, 12:58 PM
Hey everyone,

Why is this forum not more active? Let's get some discussions going.

Anyone up for it?

06-13-2005, 02:47 PM
This thread is not very active because not many people want to talk about Aston Martin. But if there were more discussions, then it would be more popular. So what kind of topics do you have in mind?

06-14-2005, 11:37 PM
This thread is not very active because not many people want to talk about Aston Martin. But if there were more discussions, then it would be more popular. So what kind of topics do you have in mind?

The topics can be specific or very general in nature. For instance, I posted the differnces in the Vanquish and the Vanquish S in another forum and it got a lot of interest.

I have also participated in many other forum topics ranging from the new DB9 and its performance to the new AM V8. Really it could be anything that interests you. I could talk for hours, what would you like to discuss?

06-15-2005, 03:29 PM
Well, how about what Astons you've seen in person. Like on the street.
I have seen:
2 Vanquishes
3 DB9's
1 DB7 V12 cabrio

So thats just me. I'm sure you've seen many more than that.

06-16-2005, 02:48 AM
That is alot of Aston Martins. I have not been that fortunate. I have only seen one Vanquish on the road and one DB7.

Amazing how impressive they look but the guy in the Vanquish was sitting in the right lane just cruising.

The times that I have driven the Vanquish or the Vanquish S I have had a ball.

I will copy a post I did on the Aston Martin forum that compares the Vanquish to the Vanquish S.

Both great cars.

10-15-2005, 09:49 PM
I've only seen them online, and on the walls of my rooms....and anytime I'm daydreaming...or asleep. But I don't think many people hang around here cause not too many people own the car

vanquish s
04-17-2006, 10:47 AM
talking about how many astons people have seen on the road i have seen 2 vanquishes 1 vanquish s 2 db9's 3 db7's one of those was an cabrio:)

06-13-2006, 10:38 PM
I am an Aston Technician in Cali. Its alot of work to fix them. The shop procedures are mandatory. Aston is very strict about their product.


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