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people who don't have a clue

05-26-2005, 11:07 PM
Okey im not much of an RSX person, but my friend (whoes chinese) has a relative that just bought a new 2005 RSX. She asked me what i would do to it and i honestly don't know much about this car. And when i asked how much they wanted to spend, she said money isn't an option (lol, i wished money wasn't a problem when it came to things like this). But yeah its just going to be a street car, and they said they could spend like 5k or more. They don't really have any big plans except rasing the hp 100~150 plus, and just making it "better." What would you guys do to it?

05-27-2005, 09:42 AM
But yeah its just going to be a street car, and they said they could spend like 5k or more. They don't really have any big plans except rasing the hp 100~150 plus, and just making it "better." What would you guys do to it?
If they don't know what their doing, they should have bought a better car.
Tell them to get stickers.

05-27-2005, 05:34 PM
I'd research and learn about the car before bumping up the horsepower by 100-150 hp.

The simplest way to get that power is www.cybernationmotorsports.com because turboing is the only way you're gonna get that hp without spending waaaaaaay more than 5 grand. Any money leftover goes into looks or saving for other stuff.

Knowing very little and trying to almost double the power isn't the best move.

05-29-2005, 06:32 PM
Moneys not an option? and they dont know what to do to an RSX type S??? People like that dont deserve nice hondas, or lots of money. Lol. They'll be another rich kid trying to get a honda and will make it fast but never know how to drive it. Tell her to get a Volkswagen like all other rich kids.

05-29-2005, 07:19 PM
Good point, i'd invest in driving school and do some track time with the stock car and then you can fully appreciate whaatever mods you do to it.

saying you want 100-150 hp just really means you're looking for the bragging rights and not the actual benefit.

07-07-2005, 01:27 PM
If money isn't an option, tell them to put a 200 shot of nitrous :screwy: in it. They can always replace the engine later...Turbo is the only way you are gonna get close to 100-150HP extra...add an intercooler then a 50-75 shot of nitrous they can get there. Hopefully they put it around a tree or pole.

*edit* Hopefully they DON'T put it around a tree, is what I meant to say. I don't wish harm on anyone :smile:

07-09-2005, 01:53 AM
thats kinda harsh to wish that kind of pain on someone. Damn a tree you are most likely to die from hitting that in that small car. Anyway i would go with the turbo also. There is a type s here with a turbo kit and it looks nice if i can i will take a picture of it and post it on here for all who wish they were boosted

07-10-2005, 06:44 AM
He's not wishing for them to be in a crash, he said what is very true. If you know nothing then doubling the power is just to brag about it and its going to lead to trouble.

07-10-2005, 09:28 AM
He's not wishing for them to be in a crash, he said what is very true. If you know nothing then doubling the power is just to brag about it and its going to lead to trouble.Exactly! I don't know how many times I have seen people wrap SRT's, 350Z's, and other fast cars around poles and trees, because they did not know how to drive it. It's sad, but oh so true.

07-13-2005, 04:06 PM
I'd go to ClubRSX if I were you for these questions. Plus if they get a VW they will have to spend an arm and a leg always having the electronics fixed and other things that Hondas don't have problems with. I should know I own a VW.

07-26-2005, 06:26 AM
Moneys not an option? and they dont know what to do to an RSX type S???

Okey im not much of an RSX person, but my friend (whoes chinese) has a relative that just bought a new 2005 RSX. She asked me what i would do to it and i honestly don't know much about this car. And when i asked how much they wanted to spend, she said money isn't an option (lol, i wished money wasn't a problem when it came to things like this). But yeah its just going to be a street car, and they said they could spend like 5k or more. They don't really have any big plans except rasing the hp 100~150 plus, and just making it "better." What would you guys do to it?

So where in this post did he say it was a Type S. All I read is that it is a 2005 RSX. Besides he asked for help. Not a smart ass opinion.

Now to try to help answer the question. A turbo kit is a good place for her to start. Depending on how much boost she is planning on pushing to the engine she might want to look into build the internals up first (Pistons, rods, etc) Also i would look into some 4:2:1 headers, Catback, and a High Flow Cat. Nitrous is also and option she can go with however on the stock internals I wouldn't go any higher that a 50 shot.

07-26-2005, 11:54 AM
I would strongly advise to NOT FI the car. If you don't know a lot you hould do a lot of research first so that you can handle the problems that come with the parts, along with the amount of power. Just making a dyno queen is pointless.

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